JAKARTA - A member of the PKS faction, Al Muzzamil Yusuf, highlighted the heated polemic at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) regarding the National Insight Test (TWK) conducted by the National Civil Service Agency (BKN).

The reason is, the questions asked in the test are very sensitive, even regarding a person's religious beliefs.

"I took two examples, first a Muslim woman who was a candidate for ASN KPK who was asked if she was ready to remove the veil and headscarf for the sake of the nation and state. When she answered no, I would still wear the veil, the examiner said you are selfish, you don't dare to sacrifice for the nation and the state," he said. Muzzamil during an interruption in the DPR plenary meeting, Monday, May 31.

"Secondly, worse, a test taker has been asked to choose only one, Pancasila or the Qur'an, cannot choose both," he continued.

The member of Commission I of the DPR considered that BKN wanted to completely suppress religious radicalism that was spreading in the ASN. For this reason, BKN feels that it has saved the country and the government from great danger.

"What actually happened is that BKN has created a bigger danger. First, it ignores the wise and wise attitude of our founding fathers statesmen, namely juxtaposing the first principle of Belief in One God with the third principle of Indonesian Unity in harmony in Pancasila," explained Muzzamil.

Second, he continued, BKN has trampled on the constitutional mandate of the Constitution article 29 paragraphs 1 and 2 which reads "The state is based on the One Godhead and the state guarantees every citizen to embrace their respective religions and beliefs".

Therefore, according to him, BKN's intention to fight religious radicalism has turned into a policy of terrorism against religious beliefs. Especially Muslims who are confronted with choosing Pancasila or religion, Pancasila or the Qur'an.

"It's as if people vote for the Qur'an, he is not Pancasilaist. I can't imagine, if we tolerate this TWK, if we legalize it, what will the next generation of our nation look like," said the chairman of the PKS DPP.

To that end, Muzzamil conveyed three demands related to this issue. First, President Jokowi must use his authority to cancel TWK BKN against KPK ASN candidates as well as against all ASN from various agencies.

Second, President Jokowi needs to form a TWK team from interfaith leaders, expert academic figures who are not anti-religious to arrange a TWK in accordance with Pancasila and the constitution.

"Third, the DPR must summon the BKN to account for what they have done in the case of selecting candidates for ASN KPK," said Muzzamil.

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