BALI - A police officer was removed from his position for allegedly beating a woman who worked at a nightclub in the Denpasar area, Bali.

"Yes, he was removed from his position because first it was suspected that whatever the reasons were for the presence of members at nightclubs, it had to be clear, and there had to be a letter of assignment. The person concerned was (Opsnal) Kanit Buser Polresta," said Denpasar Police Chief Kombes Jansen Avitus Panjaitan when confirmed, in Denpasar. Between, Sunday, May 30.

He said that police officers were removed from office based on their presence in nightclubs. According to Jansen, in a disciplined manner, Polri members are prohibited from being in such a place, except in a clear assignment mission.

"As a form of firmness that it is forbidden for members of the (Polri) to come to entertainment venues, with the information, he (the police) admitted to that place. Currently the person concerned is still being investigated at the Bali Police Propam," he also said.

He said that if later the police officer was found guilty, it would mean that the person concerned could no longer serve. However, if the propam decides not guilty, the position in question will be returned.

"But if the police proclaimed him not guilty, for example he was there for the purpose of doing his job and could prove it, that means we will annul him again," said Jansen.

Regarding whether or not there was a beating of a nightclub employee by a police officer, it is still in the process of being investigated. Until now, said the Chief of Police, no report has been received to the Denpasar Police regarding the alleged beating.

The beating occurred on Tuesday, May 25 at around 20.00 WITA. A woman who works at a nightclub with the initials YA has bruises on her face.

"If there is a beating, someone must be harmed, as long as no one is harmed and it is considered that nothing happened. Until now there has been no report," said Jansen.

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