JAKARTA - The action of someone who threw stones which caused damage to the glass of a mosque in Karangpawitan District, Garut Regency, West Java, because of family problems.

Thus, the police asked the public to remain calm and not be provoked by this incident.

"This is a misunderstanding in the family, because the mosque originally belonged to the community, then one of the families was donated again," said the Head of the Karangpawitan Police, Kompol Saepuloh via cell phone, in Garut, reported by Antara, Friday. May 28th.

He said the destruction of the Al Umam Mosque on Jalan Raya Karangpawitan, Garut occurred on Tuesday, May 25, the night that someone was known to have done using a car.

The police immediately processed the scene of the case, including asking for information from a number of local residents for material for further investigation.

"It is still under investigation and is still closed, due to previous family problems," said Saepuloh.

He said that until now the police had not received a report from the party who was injured in the action, even so the police would investigate it because it was widely known by the public.

The information gathered temporarily, said Saepuloh, was related to family problems that led to the destruction of the mosque.

"There is a possibility that one of the families disagrees, so there will be an argument that will eventually lead to the destruction of the mosque," he said again.

He appealed to the public to remain calm in responding to the problems that led to the destruction of the mosque building.

The police, he continued, would try to resolve the case in accordance with the applicable legal regulations.

"The entire Muslim community, wal Muslimat, so that the problem of destroying this mosque is not exaggerated," said the police chief.

He added that the condition of the mosque, which only broke in the glass, was because the stone throws had been repaired again, and the community had been active in worship as usual again.

"The glass that was broken yesterday has been replaced and now it's good again," he said.

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