JAKARTA - Even though he has officially divorced, Sarwendah admits that he and Ruben Onsu have had an agreement regarding the cost of living of their three children. This is done so that their divorce does not affect the mental condition of their children.
"Yes, if for example we have unexpected costs, we will all bear it so that the children do not receive the impact of the divorce. Because it is actually us who are not suitable, not the children who do not match me or with their father. Yes, let us finish this well," said Sarwendah in the Cipete area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, November 27, 2024.
Fortunately, Sarwendah said that his three children were able to understand his separation from Ruben Onsu.
"No. They didn't feel anything. Yes, at the beginning, Nia didn't feel anything because she didn't understand, for example, Onyo and Thalia already understood," said Sarwendah.
"Yes, fortunately they understand better, he also said 'yes, that's okay'," he continued.
However, until now his three children and Ruben are still accompanied by psychologists to maintain their mental condition.
"Ya itu yang penting mental anak-anak saya, yang ternyata bersyukurnya baik-baik semuanya dan mereka juga bisa diberi pendapatan yang baik-baik dan mereka memahami dan tidak mendesak. Jadi ya jalanin hari sudah lebih tenang," tandasnya.
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