JAKARTA - The East Jakarta District Court will hold a trial to determine a case of suspected violation of the health protocol (health protocol) with the defendant Rizieq Shihab. In the trial, the panel of judges will find Rizieq guilty or not.

Public Relations of the East Jakarta District Court, Alex Adam Faisal, said that the court will decide on two cases of alleged violations of the health protocol, namely, Petamburan and Megamendung.

"With the agenda of decisions from the panel of judges," said Alex in his statement, Thursday, May 27.

The two cases of alleged violations of the health protocol began when Rizieq Shihab arrived in Indonesia from Saudi Arabia on November 10, 2020.

Three days later, Rizieq and his entourage headed to the Markaz Syariah Islamic Boarding School, Megamendung, to attend the groundbreaking ceremony. His presence actually caused a crowd.

In fact, Indonesia's condition is still in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, crowds of any kind are not allowed because it can lead to infection.

In fact, the next day Rizieq held a wedding party for his daughter and the Prophet's birthday. In both events, around 5,000 sympathizers were attended.

Many of the sympathizers did not apply the health protocol when they attended the event. Even though there are those who use masks, they don't use them in the right way.

In addition, the sympathizers did not apply distancing. Thousands of people who attended were close to each other, making it very prone to the transmission of COVID-19.

With these various things, the public prosecutor (JPU) accused Rizieq of not heeding the government's recommendation to implement health protocol. In fact, Rizieq was also charged with inciting his sympathizers to come to the event.

So, in both cases, the prosecutor has already charged Rizieq with a criminal sentence. In cases of violation of the health protocol, Rizieq was sentenced to imprisonment for 2 years. In addition, Rizieq received additional demands in the form of a ban from joining a mass organization committee for 3 years.

Meanwhile, in the case of the Megamendung crowd, Rizieq was sentenced to 10 months in prison.

Responding to all of the prosecutors' charges, Rizieq Shihab delivered a plea note or plea. Rizieq also touched on various things. Starting from a case of violation of the health protocol which is considered only an act of revenge to asking to be acquitted of all charges.

At the beginning of his plea, Rizieq said that the case of violation of the health protocol that ensnared him was an act of revenge with a political element.

"After I followed this tiring legal process, starting from the police summons and arrest and detention, to holding trials to reading pleadings," said Rizieq.

"I increasingly believe and believe that this is a political case wrapped and packaged with legal cases so that the law is only a means of legalization and justification to fulfill the oligarchic political grudge against me and my friends," he continued.

The revenge action, said Rizieq, was related to the failure of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok to become Governor of DKI Jakarta for the second time. This is because Rizieq and his friends were the strongest to reject Ahok.

Rizieq said he did this because Ahok had insulted Islam. In addition, Ahok is also seen as an arrogant and corrupt figure, often speaks harsh and dirty words.

In fact, Ahok is considered an extension of the oligarchs. So, due to this rejection, Ahok failed to become governor of DKI Jakarta, who at that time was paired with Djarot Saiful Hidayat.

"From that moment my friends and I became targets of criminalization, so that throughout 2017 various cases of engineering were addressed to us," said Rizieq.

In addition, in his defense note, Rizieq mentioned the reasons behind choosing to 'migrate' to Mecca. He claims to avoid bloodshed.

This is because he has failed Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok to become governor of DKI Jakarta and convicted him constitutionally.

Revealing this reason began when Rizieq mentioned that the plan to stop struggling in politics was wrong.

This is because, after thwarting Ahok from becoming governor of DKI Jakarta and convicted him constitutionally in 2017, the political escalation has become increasingly heated.

"As a result, the political escalation at that time heats up and society at the grassroots is also increasingly divided, so that everywhere is prone to clashes between supporters," he said.

For that reason, Rizieq decided to take a residence permit visa and bring his family to move to the city of Mecca. The hope is that after his departure all conditions will return to normal.

"Because of that, my family and I chose to temporarily move to the Holy City of Mecca, in order to avoid horizontal conflicts that could lead to riots and bloodshed," he said.

However, the prediction missed. After Rizieq left, it was claimed that many acts of terror were aimed at his colleagues. In fact, it has even resulted in a criminal act.

"In fact, my friends in Indonesia continue to be terrorized and intimidated until they are criminalized. There was even an attempted murder of an IT expert witness who defended me by being stabbed on a toll road in front of his wife," said Rizieq.

"Not to mention the sabotage that occurred in the 212 Reunion Event in 2019 with the detonation of a pipe bomb at the event location at Monas," Rizieq continued.

Then, Rizieq also mentioned about the existence of high-level intelligence operations that always haunted him while he was in Saudi Arabia. This is because various acts of terror of unknown origin often hit him.

One of the terrors he experienced was being accused of making fake identity cards. In fact, he used a visa to live in Saudi Arabia

"Some people claiming to be Saudi security officers came to our house and accused us of making a fake IQOMAH, which is a kind of ID card for the City of Mecca," said Rizieq.

Rizieq also admitted that he had been arrested by the police for no clear reason. In fact, he was also detained in a Saudi Arabian police detention cell because of the installation of the ISIS flag.

"I have also been arrested by the police in the middle of the road for no apparent reason in front of my wife and daughters, and at the peak there was the installation of the Black ISIS flag on the outside wall of my home in the Holy City of Mecca," he said.

"So I was arrested and handcuffed and feet and blindfolded with a cloth, then detained in a Saudi political prison cell in the Holy City of Mecca for a day and a night," Rizieq continued.

The last act of terror was the loss of data on him and his family from the manifest of the prospective passenger. Rizieq believes all of these things were the work of intelligence operations because it was impossible for ordinary hackers to do them.

"The systematic and secret removal of my and my family's names from the Saudi aviation computer system and database is not an ordinary hacker's job, let alone a little bit of buzzer, but it is all a high-level intelligence operation," he said

Not only when he was in Saudi Arabia, but Rizieq's suspicions were also even stronger if there was a mastermind behind the case. Because, when a suspect has been named and detained, the police apply extra security to him.

In fact, Rizieq thinks he is being treated like a terrorist prisoner. In fact, he is only a suspect in violating the health protocol.

"On Saturday, December 12, 2020, accompanied by a lawyer, came to Polda Metro Jaya voluntarily to carry out an investigation, but I was immediately arrested and detained until now," said Rizieq.

After being arrested, Rizieq, who had been named a suspect since December 9, 2020, was immediately detained at the Polda Metro Jaya Detention Center.

At that time, Rizieq felt that his detention and security were excessive. Because, during the first month, he had to be completely isolated.

At that time, no one was allowed to visit it. Including family and a team of personal doctors from the Mer-C Team.

In fact, officers were prohibited from greeting him. Except during Friday prayers, Rizieq was allowed to leave his cell and was escorted to worship with other prisoners.

"My case is only about violating the health protocol but being treated like a terrorist prisoner," he said.

In fact, officers were prohibited from greeting him. Except during Friday prayers, Rizieq was allowed to leave his cell and was escorted to worship with other prisoners.

"My case is only about health protocol Violation but being treated like a terrorist prisoner," he said.

At the end of his defense note, Rizieq asked the panel of judges at the East Jakarta District Court to release him of all charges by the public prosecutor (JPU). Because, he believes, not a single charge has been proven.

Rizieq assessed that the application of the Article on Health Quarantine was irrelevant. This is because the crowd happened spontaneously.

"Apart from that the defendant never invited or invited the public to gather at Megamendung, and the defendant never obstructed the implementation of health quarantine," said Rizieq.

Then, the second indictment regarding the epidemic of infectious diseases was also considered inapplicable. This is because Rizieq claims he has never deliberately ignored health protocols.

In fact, Rizieq also said that he had never resisted or ignored an appeal from the government. Thus, the third indictment was deemed inapplicable.

"The defendant also never did, did not obey orders or requests from officers who were carrying out state duties and never prevented, obstructed, or thwarted the duties of state officials," he said.

For these reasons, Rizieq assessed that all the charges made by the prosecutor did not fulfill the elements. Moreover, it is strengthened by the statements of witnesses and experts during the trial process.

"Therefore, we plead for the sake of Allah SWT for the sake of upholding justice so that the noble panel of judges decide for the accused with a pure acquittal, acquitted of all charges, released from prison unconditionally, and returned to his good name and dignity and honor," said Rizieq.

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