JAKARTA - Lampung Health Office recorded the number of COVID-19 cases increased to 17,695 after there were 84 new cases confirmed positive for coronavirus.

Based on data dinkes Lampung, Tuesday, May 25 from 17,695 cases of COVID-19 there are 15,890 patients have been declared cured and another 973 died from coronavirus infection.

An additional 84 daily cases of COVID-19 in Lampung came from 10 districts / cities including Bandarlampung city with 11 cases, Metro 11 cases, Tanggamus two cases, and Tulangbawang Barat 2 cases.

Then, South Lampung Regency contributed 9 cases, East Lampung 8 cases, West Lampung 11 cases, Pringsewu 15 cases, Pesawaran 10 cases, and Lampung Tengah 5 cases.

Meanwhile, five other areas in Lampung, namely Mesuji, Tulangbawang, Waykanan, North Lampung and West Coast, have not recorded additional cases of COVID-19.

Dinkes Lampung noted that the number of deaths due to COVID-19 in Lampung also increased by four who are residents of Bandarlampung City, Metro, Pesawaran Regency and West Lampung. With the addition of these four patients, the total number of deaths in the province to date amounts to 973.

Meanwhile, based on data bandan Regional Development Planning (Bappeda) Lampung, 15 districts / cities in this province is no longer an area that has a green zone.

According to Bappeda records there are 11 areas in Lampung that have an orange color spreading COVID-19 namely Bandarlampung City with 5,784 cases, Metro 1,045 cases, East Lampung Regency 1,422 cases, North Lampung 1,627 cases, and Lampung Tengah 2,618 cases.

Then, West Lampung Regency 699 cases of COVID-19, South Lampung 1,135 cases, Pringsewu 756 cases, Tulangbawang Barat 257 cases, Mesuji 141 cases and Pesawaran 875 cases.

Meanwhile, for areas that have yellow zones spreading coronavirus in Lampung, namely Tanggamus Regency with 609 cases of COVID-18, Waykanan 143 cases, Tulangbawang 281 cases and West Coast 303 cases. As reported by Antara.

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