JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) faction in the DKI Jakarta DPRD stated their rejection of the implementation of Formula E. This protest was actually good. However, unfortunately it was late. Currently, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has paid a commitment fee. If it is canceled now, the regional budget of Rp. 360 billion could actually be wasted.

PSI faction member Anthony Winza Prabowo conveyed the reasons for rejecting Formula E. According to him, this event was actually not included in the Regional Mid-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) proposed by Governor Anies Baswedan in his five years in office.

Another reason, Anthony highlighted the budget allocation which he thought would be better used for the benefit of the people. Fixing regional facilities and infrastructure, for example. It is nothing. Currently, DKI Jakarta's financial balance is in deficit.

"I think it would be wiser if we budget for something more important. For example, rehabilitating school buildings or providing clean water to the community, considering that the APBD comes from the people. We think that the APBD must be able to answer needs rather than wishes," said Anthony when met at the DPRD DKI Building. , Thursday (7/11/2019).

Separately, PT Jakpro Corporate Secretary Hanni Sumarmo said the amount of the budget for the implementation of Formula E had been agreed upon by a number of commissions in the DPRD. He said that the budget had been included in the 2020 APBD, the year Formula E was planned to be held.

"It has been discussed in Commission B and Commission C. There are various factions in the Commission. Yes, it has finished. It has passed. This means that there are no problems. Just the schedule is submitted at the Banggar," said Hanni.

Formula E Racing (Instagram / @ fiaformulae)

Regarding the discourse of Formula E as a step to encourage electric cars in Jakarta, PSI criticized it. Another member of the DPRD from the PSI faction, Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, considered that the reason was absurd.

According to him, the logic that makes more sense to welcome electric cars is to build supporting infrastructure. Not holding Formula E. "If the aim is to encourage the use of electric cars, we can, with such a large budget, build infrastructure to support electric cars," said Anggara.

"For example, the provincial government makes electric car chargers in thousands of places. Also buy hundreds of electric buses. But, why does Pak Anies only hold stage events," he added.


Perhaps PSI's criticism was reasonable. However, rejecting Formula E might cause greater losses for the regions. Researcher of the Forum for People Cares about Parliament (Formappi) Lucius Karus is one of those who highlight this dilemma.

"If you have issued a budget of hundreds of billions like that, that's a shame too. It's just wasted if it's canceled," Lucius said when contacted by VOI, Thursday (11/7/2019).

According to Lucius, PSI needs to understand that there is a budget of IDR 360 billion that has been disbursed by the DKI Provincial Government. So, although PSI's criticism makes sense, the rejection is actually late.

However, Lucius also understands PSI's position that has not yet entered the DPRD when the commitment fee is approved in the 2019 APBD. Therefore, PSI must take more strategic political steps to express this rejection.

Currently, PSI must approach political parties in the DPRD to find a solution to this dilemma. Strategic steps are certainly needed. This is because the other parties in the DPRD are those who agree to the Rp360 billion commitment fee.

"Hence, in considering this rejection, PSI must first discuss it with all DPRD members in the budget discussion process," said Lucius.

Anies Baswedan with representatives of FIA Formula E (Instagram / @ aniesbaswedan)

PSI itself has said that they will state this rejection in an official forum, namely the discussion at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Banggar. PSI will also question the Formula E investment study, which until now has not been submitted by the DKI Provincial Government.

"We are trying to build communication. Incidentally, of the more than 106 members, half are new members of the board. We are trying to communicate with other members of the board to equalize the vision and mission," said Anggara.

As complementary information, on Friday (20/9) Anies officially announced to the public that Jakarta would host Formula E.The event which was held under the name Jakarta E-prix will be held on June 6, 2020.

In order to be able to hold Formula E, the DKI Provincial Government has proposed a budget of around IDR 1.6 trillion, with details of IDR 360 billion for commitment fees to the Formula E federation, IDR 934 billion for the implementation funds to be managed by the DKI Jakarta Education and Sports Agency (Dispora), and IDR 305.2 billion. the operating costs required by Jakpro.

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