MALANG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Malang Regency, East Java, noted that 287 housing units of residents in the area were damaged due to the earthquake that rocked the Blitar Regency area on Friday, May 21.

Head of Emergency and Logistics BPBD Malang Regency, Sadono, said the data collection process of damage caused by the earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 was still ongoing.

"A total of 287 housing units were damaged. Residents are advised to remain calm and avoid buildings that are cracked or damaged by the earthquake", said Sadono when he was confirmed in Malang, quoted by Antara, Sunday, May 23.

Based on the BPBD report of Malang Regency, of the 287 housing units that were damaged, 204 houses were slightly damaged, 68 houses were moderately damaged, and 15 other houses were severely damaged. BPBD also recorded one victim who was injured by the earthquake.

He added that his party continues to carry out cross-sectoral coordination to collect initial data on affected victims. In addition, BPBD sends the Quick Reaction Team and volunteers to carry out assessments, including the distribution of aid according to the needs of the affected areas.

Apart from causing damage to residents' residences, he said, several public facilities were also reportedly damaged. Public facilities that were damaged include three units of houses of worship, 13 units of health facilities, and two other public facilities.

While 14 of the 33 subdistricts in Malang were reportedly affected by the earthquake, including Ampelgading, Dampit, Donomulyo, Gondanglegi, Kalipare, Sumbermanjing Wetan, and Tirtoyudo Subdistricts.

Joint personnel from BPBD, TNI, Polri, technical of Regional Apparatus Organization, and volunteers are currently in the disaster-affected locations to carry out disaster emergency management, including the establishment of disaster emergency response posts.

The earthquake shook Blitar Regency, East Java on Friday, May 21 at 7:09 p.m. The magnitude 5.9 earthquake occurred at a depth of 110 kilometers, as far as 57 kilometers southeast of Blitar Regency.

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