JAKARTA - The Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) wants the pattern of coaching candidates of the Pusaka Flag Raising Team (Paskibraka) to be formed more humanist and humane. So it has an insight into the nationality of Indonesia.

This was conveyed by Assistant Deputy (Asdep) of Leadership and Pioneering Of Ibnu Hasan Youth, after becoming a speaker at the Joint Selection and Training of Paskibraka At the Provincial Level of DKI Jakarta in 2021.

"The most important message from the Minister (Menpora) that the coaching must be humanist, pleasant, get very human treatment, be aware, food must be hygienic, their rest hours must be considered until the vitamins must be appropriate," he said in his written statement, Saturday, May 22.

In coaching Paskibraka, according to him, can not be done too strictly. It should be enforced as humanly as possible and friendly. In lieu of parents, family to friends and not just instructors.

"So, their soul develops naturally because they practice physical is very very strict, so they should be happy heart should be happy, otherwise the metabolism of blood circulation does not go well so they can get sick," he said.

"So, they get a fundamental pattern of education. Not only are they capable of flying the flag, but they get good treatment. So if they lead this country will also treat their people with the best possible treatment," he added.

He hopes that paskibraka coaching can build a disciplined youth personality, through coaches and escorts who are patient, friendly and humane.

"Hopefully later the coaches, coaches, escorts, psychologists, medics behave friendly, so they are comfortable, because they are far from their parents, must really be persuasive, friendly, patient, discussion so that the tiredness is not so felt," he said.

"I was booked by the Minister for how later every coaching Paskibraka really awakened his personality with discipline. Because that discipline has been a successful start," he continued.

The concept of coaching is still carried out the same as before the Covid-19 pandemic. However, this time is done by implementing strict health protocols such as wearing masks and faceshields, keeping your distance and washing your hands. This applies to all provinces in Indonesia that are conducting capaska 2021 selection.

"The concept is still normal. But, we'll follow the direction of the Palace. We hope that the pandemic will end soon, will be reviewed by the task force and related agencies (BPIP, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Education, Garrison, PPI, Psychologist, Medical Team). We follow the rules and strict prokes," said Ibnu Hasan at the event opened by the Kadispora DKI Jakarta Ahmad Firdaus.

Participants of the selection and joint training Paskibraka DKI Jakarta numbered 81 people. Consists of 5 administrative city offices of Jakarta and Thousand Islands. 16 people from Central Jakarta, 12 people from North Jakarta, 16 people from West Jakarta, 13 people from South Jakarta, 20 people from East Jakarta and 4 people from the Thousand Islands.

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