JAKARTA - Minister zainudin Amali insists youth entrepreneurship is an important thing that should get priority attention. Youth entrepreneurship is one solution for Indonesia to advance in the future.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs when he was the keynote speaker at the National Dialogue 2021 UNDP Youth. This event was a collaboration between UNDP Representative of Indonesia, Kemenpora, KemenPPN/Bappenas, and Citi Foundation.

"The strategic position of youth is the perpetrators of the development of the nation in the future, youth is now the backbone of Indonesia advanced in 2045, precisely 100 years of Indonesia's independence," said Minister amali began the talks, Thursday, May 20.

Youth according to him need to equip themselves and prepare their ecosystem with various competencies in accordance with their potential. This important competition continues menpora related to softskill entrepreneurship for young people.

Youth entrepreneurship will develop into a multi-dimensional solution, because the development of youth entrepreneurship is expected to boost the economy with the basis of creativity and innovation in various sectors of the economy, especially the creative economy sector.

"The development of youth entrepreneurship becomes an important foundation for the development of entrepreneurship nationally. With it will be able to give birth to budding entrepreneurs, able to open jobs, and this we need to realize together," he added.

Efforts today said the Minister still gets quite serious challenges both individually on the youth itself, the support of families and communities and the environment that has not been conducive, and there are still limitations of the range of policies

Therefore, the Ministry of Finance places Entrepreneurship Development as one of the priority programs of the Ministry of Finance until 2024. Encourage young people to cultivate interest and dare to start entrepreneurship at a young age, becoming a joint task.

This includes encouraging coordination and collaboration among stakeholders in youth development services both at the central and regional levels.

As the implementation of the priority program, the Ministry of Finance developed a strategy with Bappenas that focuses on two important strategies that cannot be separated.

"Firstly capacity building and individual compensation of prospective entrepreneurs and the second is the improvement of the youth entrepreneurial development ecosystem," said Menpora.

With this priority program, it is expected that the foundation of youth entrepreneurship development can be realized with the support of all components, so that Indonesia advances in 2045 really materialized, because one of the benchmarks of the nation's progress is the magnitude of interest and form of entrepreneurship nationally.

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