JAKARTA - Defendant Rizieq Shihab insists the reply read by the public prosecutor (JPU) is unclear. For Rizieq, there is not a single point of reply that answers the memorandum of defense filed related to the case of violations of health protocols (prokes) in Megamendung.

"After I heard the description of the prosecutor's reply I stated that the replik did not answer my pleidoi," Rizieq said in a hearing at the East Jakarta District Court, Thursday, May 20.

In addition, Rizieq also alluded to the prosecutor's statement that the contents of his memorandum of defense were merely unek-unek. According to him, the statement is just the reason the prosecutor is not able to give a logical answer.

"There is also an answer to the reason the public prosecutor by stating pleidoi I just conveyed the unek-unek it was just an excuse to ngeles, to cover up the inability of the public prosecutor to answer my pleidoi," said Rizeq.

In the trial, Rizieq called the prosecution's demands in the form of a prison sentence of 10 months in prison and a fine of Rp50 million subsider 3 months in prison is not appropriate.

The reason, based on his analysis and observations during the trial process, is that no charges have been proven.

"Especially in the analysis chapter, about the indictments and charges. There we present scientifically. Article by article, indictment after indictment that we respond to from the indictment and the prosecution," he said.

Reportedly, the public prosecutor (JPU) assessed the memorandum of defense submitted by Rizieq Shihab and his legal team contained only a speech. For prosecutors all the content of the defense is subjective.

The response to pledoi from Rizieq was delivered by the JPU team in a follow-up hearing with a replik agenda.

"The defendant said the public prosecutor was manipulative by only taking witness statements from the favorable side of the evidentiary," said one prosecutor at the trial.

"Basically everything that the defendant said in his pleidoinya was unek-unek and curhatan," continued the prosecutor.

In this case, Rizieq Shihab was sentenced to 10 months in prison for alleged crowding and violations of health protocols (prokes) in Megamendung. Rizeq was also fined Rp50 million subsider 3 months in prison.

Rizieq is considered in violation of Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine or Article 14 paragraph (1) of Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Infectious Disease Outbreaks or Article 216 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code

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