JAKARTA - The alleged criminal act of burglary at Bank DKI ATMs still leaves question marks. A series of questions have not been answered so far. Although dozens of people have been named as suspects, the case has not yet been resolved.

Allegations continued to emerge as the case was unclear. Security system errors and involvement of a third party - PT Artajasa Payment Elektronis as the ATM Bersama service provider - has become a strengthening issue.

The suspicion emerged because the perpetrators were said to have withdrawn some money from their accounts through this service. Recorded losses due to this crime reached Rp. 50 billion.

PT Artajasa Payment Elektronis denied any third party involvement. Because the burglary was not carried out through the ATM Bersama network. Not without reason. Based on the results of the bank's investigation, it was said that no transactions were found related to the burglary case.

"From the results of our investigation, the issue of theft of money through ATMs reported was not carried out in the ATM Bersama network," said Deni Saputra, Corporate Communications of Electronic Payment, Artajasa, in his statement, Monday, December 2.

Although previously the burglary was suspected of using the ATM Bersama network, it is said that in Indonesia there are still several other network sharing service providers. However, it was confirmed that the transactions of the perpetrators did not occur in the ATM Bersama network.

In fact, it is said that the ATM Bersama network is equipped with adequate and layered security protection. In addition, the ATM Bersama network has also gone through the ISO 27001 certification stage, which is a certification for internationally recognized security standards.

Separately confirmed regarding the allegations of a third party and a statement from ATM Bersama, the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that all these allegations were still being investigated by investigators. There are no details that he can convey.

"We are still investigating, everything is still under investigation ... It cannot be conveyed today (about the results of the investigation). I will tell you the progress," said Yusri.

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