JAKARTA - The body of Prada Ardi Yudi who died in Yahukimo, Papua, from being molested by an unknown person was buried in Malacca Regency after arriving at Kupang El Tari Airport, Thursday, May 20, morning.

"Prada Ardi's body arrived this morning, then was picked up militarily by Kodim 1604/Kupang personnel, then transported to Malacca for burial," said Kodim Commander 1604/Kupang Colonel Arh. Abraham Kalelo in Kupang, reported by Antara.

Abraham explained that the delivery of the deceased to his hometown, Malacca, by road with a travel time of 6-7 hours drive.

During the delivery, said Dandim, ARMY personnel from Kodim Kupang will conduct escorts until the delivery of the bodies to Kodim1605/Belu.

The delivery of the late Prada Ardi using a hearse belonging to RST Wirasakti Kupang, TNI AD Hospital in Kupang City.

"Earlier during the delivery there was a commander from his battalion, namely from the Raiders 432 / Wira Setia Jaya who accompanied his pasiminlok, Lieutenant Yuniarta," he said.

The number one person in Kodim Kupang said that Prada Ardi was not a TNI personnel who served in the combat task force to eradicate KKB, but rather served in a vulnerable location.

Antara monitor, when arriving at EL Tari Kupang Airport, a number of TNI AD personnel, TNI AU, and families await the arrival of the body.

Meanwhile, Kodim Commander 1605/Belu Lt. Col. Inf. Wiji Untoro, whose work area is up to Malacca District, said that the funeral of Prada Ardi was military.

"Right now it's still on the road. However, according to the request of the family, on Thursday at 16:30 will be buried in tpu Muslim Malacca," he said.

Kodim Belu, he said, will help the cemetery remember all the delivery of the bodies until the funeral is borne by the State.

Prada Ardi Yudi and his partner, Praka Alif Nur Angkotasan, were previously reported dead after being molested by dozens of unidentified people in Yahukimo, Papua.

The two TNI personnel were securing the construction of the airport fence. However, it is strongly suspected that both victims were attacked by terrorist groups/armed criminal groups (KKB).

In that incident, two weapons belonging to TNI personnel were lost.

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