BANDA ACEH - The Public Prosecutor of the Idi District Attorney, East Aceh District, Aceh, charged five defendants with smuggling 81 kilograms of methamphetamine-type drugs with the death penalty.

Prosecutors read out these demands Fakhrur Rozi, M Iqbal Zakwan, and Cherry Arrida at a trial held online at the Idi District Court in East Aceh, Wednesday, May 19.

The five defendants charged with the death penalty, namely Nazaruddin (25) and Azwar Saputra (33), are both residents of East Pereulak District, East Aceh. As well as Khairul Muaris (23), Arif Budiman (28), and Lukman (40), all three are citizens of Langsa City.

The prosecutor found the defendants guilty of violating Article 114 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 Paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics for controlling more than five grams of class one narcotics.

In their charges, Prosecutor Fakhrur Rozi and friends stated that the defendants were arrested with 81 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine as evidence. With details of four jute sacks containing 81 packs of narcotics types of methamphetamine wrapped in tea packages in Chinese characters.

In addition, the defendants also controlled 10 packs of pink ecstasy and 10 packs of green ecstasy wrapped in clear plastic.

The prosecutor read out other evidence in the form of three cars of various brands, eight mobile phones, and one motorcycle. The trial will continue next week with the agenda of hearing the defense notes of the defendants.

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