JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Metro Police are still investigating three foreign nationals (WNA) who were arrested during a solidarity action for Palestine in front of the United States Embassy (US) Jalan Merdeka Selatan, Central Jakarta.

The Head of Central Jakarta Metro Police (Jakpus) AKBP Guntur Muhammad Thariq confirmed that the three foreigners were arrested, but the exact country of origin is not yet known.

"For foreigners who have been arrested, they are still in the process of being investigated by Intel. We will see the progress tomorrow or tonight," said Guntur, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 18.

Guntur explained that the three foreigners were still being investigated by the Police and later by the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

The three foreigners were secured during the change of the first action carried out by the workers and the second action by the student alliance.

The first action was in the morning until noon around 12.30 WIB. The Palestinian solidarity action was carried out by the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI), followed by a second action by the Islamic Student Association Alumni Corps (KAHMI) starting at 13.00 WIB.

The number of participants in both actions is estimated at 400 people. The action was conducive and participants were always reminded to comply with health protocols, such as wearing masks during speeches and avoiding crowds.

Guntur emphasized that none of the participants were secured in the Palestinian solidarity action this Tuesday.

"No action participants have been secured, this is conducive. The mass of the action from morning to noon is indeed a large number but they are conducive," said Guntur.

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