JAKARTA - Director of Health Care Security of BPJS Kesehatan, Lily Kresnowati, ensures JKN-KIS services in health facilities that have cooperated with BPJS Kesehatan optimally even in the Eid event.

As reported by Antara, Monday, May 17, Lily urged the First Level Health Facility (FKTP) to keep the quality of services provided to JKN-KIS participants even in the midst of Eid holidays and the COVID-19 pandemic.

"JKN-KIS participants can get health services at FKTP at the place where participants are registered. If registered FKTP does not operate at that time, then participants can obtain health services at other nearby FKTP that open health services. FKTP operating data can be accessed through the BPJS Kesehatan Care Center 1500 400", said Lily.

To ensure this, Lily jumped directly into the First Level Health Facility (FKTP) Kedungmundu Health Center and KRMT Wongsonegoro Hospital Semarang on Wednesday, May 12.

Ensures the preparation of the implementation of service commitments, especially in hospitals through, the availability of electronic queues and the availability of display numbers of rooms.

In the event of a medical emergency, all health facilities are obliged to provide health services to JKN-KIS participants by applicable regulations.

In Semarang city itself, BPJS Kesehatan has coordinated with FKTP and any hospitals that are open during Eid holidays. FKTP also provides consultations according to participant complaints and provides recommendations according to participants' needs.

This indirect contact service can be done through the JKN Mobile application, telephone, various short messaging platforms such as WhatsApp and Telegram, as well as through other teleconsultation media that has been prepared by the FKTP.

"As long as JKN-KIS participants follow the applicable procedures and conditions, as well as the medical measures obtained based on medical indications, it will be guaranteed and served. Health facilities are also not allowed to withdraw fee dues from participants", said Lily.

She reminded, this health service only applies to JKN-KIS participants whose membership status is active. Therefore, Lily always reminds JKN-KIS participants to obey in paying dues every month.

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