JAKARTA - Everyone stands by the tragedy of Gaza but only Turkey is strong and can stop Israel. So wrote Anisa Bahati, journalist, and writer from Albania.

Bahati wrote this in her latest article 'Only Erdogan can protect innocent Palestinian children.' She evaluated recent events in the region.

The only solution to the crisis in Palestine is the protection of civilians and children by Turkey and its President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

"This crisis has only one solution. Palestinian civilians and children are brought under the protection of Turkey and President (Recep Tayyip) Erdogan. Turkey is a NATO country with a very strong and strong army and a political, diplomatic, regional military like no other".

"(Turkey) is the only country israel really fears. The sooner Turkey intervenes to protect Palestinian civilians and children, the sooner this ludicrous and bloody conflict, which may be avoidable, will end. That is why everyone's eyes are on Turkey and President Erdogan", Bahati said as reported by Yenisafaq quoted by VOI, Saturday, May 15.

She noted that Arabs in the region had forgotten Palestine.

"The bloody 10-year war in Syria, the collapse of egypt's cruel political system, the conflict and destruction in Yemen, and the 3-year internal crisis in Lebanon made arabs forget about Palestine and the Palestinian issue, only dealing with their own internal problems", Bahati added.

She recalled that the victims of the conflict in question were always vulnerable Palestinian children in the West Bank and Gaza. "Israel's military and political tools are much more powerful than the Palestinian government's tools in the West Bank and Gaza", Bahati said.

She added that the world had only witnessed the tragedy.

Israeli forces in recent days have attacked Palestinians protesting in solidarity with residents of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem, who were ordered expelled by an Israeli court.

The occupation forces also raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque during special night prayers during Ramadan.

The subsequent escalation of tensions resulted in airstrikes by Israel in Gaza, killing more than 120 Palestinians, including children and women, according to health officials. At least 900 others were injured, in addition to heavy damage to residential buildings.

Israel occupied East Jerusalem, where Al-Aqsa was located, during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. It annexed the entire city in 1980, an act never recognized by the international community.

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