BANJARMASIN - Tni ranks from Koramil Haruyan Kodim 1002/Barabai together with volunteers from Balakar helped with flood management in Haruyan Subdistrict, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency (HST), South Kalimantan.

Plh Danramil 1002-03/Haruyan Peltu Henri Murpianto in Haruyan, said the flooding was caused by the overflow of Loklaga Haruyan River which rises from hamak mountains in South Hulu Sungai Regency (HSS), Kalsel.

"The five flooded villages are Haruyan Seberang Village, Pengambau Hilir Dalam Village, Lok Buntar Village, Mangunang Village Haruyan Village and today another one is Pengambau Hilir Luar Village also affected by flooding," he was quoted as saying by Antara, Friday, May 14.

Kodim 1002/Barabai through Chief of Staff Major Arm Agus Sutisna accompanied by Plh Danramil helped evacuate residents and clean up public facilities, places of worship and houses of citizens.

"Our activities are cleaning places of worship, one of which is in the garage and Mujahideen Mosque in RT 003 Haruyan Seberang Village which was previously used for temporary evacuation by residents," he said.

Meanwhile, Kodim Barabai Chief of Staff Major Arm Agus Sutisna added that his party always synergizes and coordinates with the Regional Natural Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), police and related SKPD to handle floods.

He said for water discharge there had been a drop of about 20 centimeters more and some had receded.

The refugees have returned to their homes and the activities of the citizens have returned to normal as usual.

"However, we urge residents to remain vigilant in the event of rain, the possibility that the river could overflow again," he said.

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