JAKARTA - The Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Anwar Abbas, called on the world to condemn and stop the actions of Israeli soldiers who mistreat children and women.

"The actions of the Israeli army to treat the children and mothers and parents of the Palestinians in the city of Jerusalem very harshly are clearly unacceptable and tolerated. The world must condemn and stop the barbaric actions of the Israeli soldiers", Anwar Abbas said in a release quoted from Antara, Wednesday, May 12.

This crude way has the potential to invite the birth of acts of radicalism, terrorism in response and ways they can take revenge for the pain, death, and injustice received.

"Therefore if the world wants to be safe and peaceful and farthest from acts of radicalism and terrorism then the world must be able to end and stop all forms of colonization on the face of the Earth, especially in Baitul Maqdis or Jerusalem, where Israel, in addition, has robbed and seized land from the Palestinian people then they have also curbed the freedom of Palestinian Muslims to worship "It's a very good place to be", he said.

In fact, he said, Israeli soldiers also opened fire on Palestinians who were praying. It was clearly unacceptable.

Therefore, he said, Muslims around the world must unite and not stay silent.

"Muslims and citizens of the world must fight in various ways so that things that are incompatible with the humanity and justice committed by Israel can be removed and stopped", he said.

Anwar also urged Islamic countries to sever diplomatic relations with Israel and boycott all forms of transactions and trade with the occupiers and terrorists so that the Israeli government realizes that in a shared life it must be able to respect the rights of others, especially the rights of the Palestinian people.

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