JAKARTA - Yogyakarta's COVID-19 Handling Task Force adopted a policy to limit the activities and mobility of residents in RT 56 RW 12 Wirobrajan Yogyakarta after the transmission of COVID-19 in the densely populated settlements.

"Since Thursday, May 6, the activities and mobility of residents in RT have been limited. Yes, a kind of lockdown to prevent the spread of cases is not wider, especially the settlement of residents in RT can be said to be very dense," said Chairman of the Task Force on Handling COVID-19 Yogyakarta Heroe Poerwadi in Yogyakarta, Monday.

According to him, the potential for widespread transmission of COVID-19 in RT is quite high considering that most of the residents in the region are a large family or come from the same "breed" and live close to each other.

Currently, Heroe said, health officials are still tracing to find out the beginning of the case in addition to continuing to conduct the examination process with rapid antigen tests followed by PCR if the antigen shows positive results of COVID-19.

To date, there have been 10 positive cases in rt and all are undergoing treatment in hospital.

In addition, rapid antigen tests have also been conducted to 30 residents. As a result, 10 people were declared negative antigens and 20 people were declared positive antigens so continued with pcr examination, but no results have been obtained.

"Today, we prepared 50 rapid antigen tests. However, there were only 39 residents who came. The results are not there yet. We are working to get all citizens to undergo antigen tests," he said.

Cases in the area are thought to have arisen when an elderly resident developed a cold and coughed a cold and was only checked into the hospital a few days later because the disease did not heal.

From the results of the examination, the citizen was declared positive for COVID-19 and then died on April 28. "Husband and child also contracted COVID-19," she said.

Neighbors of the deceased residents are also known to be infected with COVID-19. Incidentally, her son worked as a nurse out of town and eventually there were some other family members who were also positive.

Neighbors who were in front of the house of the deceased residents were also known to be positive of COVID-19. "Even the house was used to open together by extended family at the beginning of Ramadan," he said.

Of the total cases that have emerged, the Yogyakarta COVID-19 Task Force said there are four houses with pcr positive residents and 11 antigen positive houses. "Again, the position of the people's houses is very close," he said.

In addition to the lockdown, efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 transmission were also carried out by including all positive citizens to undergo isolation in Tegalrejo Cell.

During the restriction of activities, monitoring from Satpol PP, TNI and police to ensure the implementation of restrictions is carried out strictly.

"With the current conditions of transmission, the RT falls into the category of orange zone. So it is not permissible to hold Eid prayers in congregation. Prayers are held in their homes," he said.

Heroe said the case of COVID-19 transmission in Wirobrjan can be a joint learning so that the transmission of COVID-19 does not become more widespread, namely ensuring that all family members are responsive to their family's health condition.

"If anyone is sick with flu-like symptoms, then it is requested to immediately check and carry out stricter health protocols," he said.

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