ATM Machine Supervisor At Ngurah Rai Airport Drain BRI Money IDR 530 Million

JAKARTA - Employees of PT Swadharma Sarana Informatika (SSI), Rahadian Pratama aka Radit broke into BRI ATM machine in Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali. Total ATM money drained IDR 530 million.

"This, a case of embezzlement in office. That is, the suspect is given the task by the company where he works, namely PT SSI, where, his job is to supervise and charge the ATM", said Denpasar Police Chief Kombes Jansen Avitus Panjaitan, in Denpasar Police, Bali, Monday, May 10.

This ATM break-in was conducted in July-December 2020. BRI suffered a loss of IDR 530,550,000

The perpetrator drained money at an ATM in the area of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali. At that time, the perpetrator was in charge of supervising and replenishing money at the BRI ATM.

Police said the offender deliberately set up a troubling cash machine. The office then asked this officer to check and repair the ATM. This is where the perpetrator drains the contents of the ATM.

"In order not to read problems at ATMs, the perpetrators crammed money sensors in atm tapes by using bottles of mineral water or cans so that the tapes read to contain a lot of money", added Jansen.

"For the crime scene one ATM at the airport, but 8 tapes that he broke at the same ATM as many as 5 times. So he can spend the money", he explained.

The money from the ATM break-in is used for sprees. The offender in the inquest confessed to acting alone.

"Used to sprees, he did it himself without people's help. However, we are still developing", said Kombes Jansen.

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