JAKARTA - The police arrested 11 debt collectors who were involved in the siege case against Second Sergeant Nurhadi who went viral on social media.

Information on this arrest was confirmed by Kapendam Jaya Colonel Arh Herwin BS. The debt collectors have the initials YAKM, JAD, HHL, HEL, PA, GL, GYT, JT, AM, DS, and HRL.

"Yes, that's right, they were secured by a joint team from the Jaya Regional Military Command and Metro Jaya Police," Herwin said in his statement, Sunday, May 9.

Based on the information received, said Herwin, the debt collectors are still being examined intensively. The examination was carried out to explore the roles of each of them.

"Still being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the North Jakarta Police," he said.

But Herwin has yet to explain in detail about the process of arresting the debt collectors. He only emphasized that they were arrested on Sunday, May 9, at around 15.00 western Indonesia time.

"This is a form of synergy that has existed so far between the Regional Military Command Jaya and Metro Jaya Police in creating security and public order in the DKI Jakarta area," Herwin said.

Meanwhile, from the police, there has been no official statement regarding the arrest. However, VOI has confirmed this matter.

This incident occurred on Thursday, May 6 at around 14.00 western Indonesia time, Second Sergeant Nurhadi who was at the Semper Timur Urban Village Office received a report from a PPSU member who saw a vehicle being surrounded by approximately 10 people, causing congestion.

Then in the car, there were little children and a sick person, as well as the car owner's uncle and aunt, so Second Sergeant Nurhadi took the initiative to take over the wheel of the car to take them to the hospital via West Koja toll road.

But on the way, the debt collection group still surrounded the car. Second Sergeant Nurhadi then switched to taking the car to the North Jakarta Metro Police because of these conditions.

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