JAKARTA - The Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR RI has determined the composition of the Working Committee (Panja) which will discuss the issue of the Work Creation Omnibus Law Bill. Of the nine factions in the DPR, only the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction did not send names to join the committee.

PKS admitted that they did not submit their names because they rejected the drafting of this bill in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. PKS Faction Baleg member Ledia Hanifa said discussing the problem of handling this pandemic is more important than discussing the Job Creation Bill.

"PKS views that this bill will actually be discussed later if the government declares the COVID-19 pandemic over," Ledia told reporters, Monday, April 20.

If the government makes economic reasons after the spread of COVID-19 require that this discussion be carried out immediately, for Ledia, this reason is actually not right. Given, currently there is a Government Regulation in lieu of Law (Perppu) and other policies regarding the economy.

Moreover, this Job Creation Omnibus Law will also be useless if it is passed during a pandemic like today. "It is important to resolve the COVID-19 so that economic conditions can be better," he said.

"If the government says the pandemic is over, PKS will join forces later," he added.

Even though it has been formed, the Omnibus Law Panja has received criticism from the Center for Law and Policy Studies (PSHK). According to the PSHK Network and Advocacy Director, Fajri Nursyamsi, the DPR RI Baleg decision to submit this discussion to the Working Committee violated a number of formal procedures.

The formal procedure referred to is the mechanism for the formation of laws in the DPR Standing Orders to the regulations for the formation of laws and regulations contained in Law Number 12 of 2011. Not only that, this discussion is also considered to close transparency and public participation in the process of the Job Creation Bill.

"The DPR Baleg decision procedure which immediately forms and submits the discussion of the Job Creation Bill to the Working Committee must be rejected because it violates the formal legislative procedure," said Fajri in his written statement.

According to Fajri, the violation of this procedure occurred since the DPR RI Working Meeting on Tuesday, April 14 last. The first working meeting scheduled the schedule, preparation, and submission of the Inventory List of Problems (DIM) of the Job Creation Bill.

"However, in the meeting the leadership immediately formed the Panja. Before forming the Panja, Baleg should have held a series of work meetings to discuss all the material of the bill using DIM in accordance with the DPR's rules and regulations," he said.

It's just that, from the current situation, it turns out that not all factions gave up the DIM. There are factions who want the General Hearing Meeting (RDPU) first and there are those who reject the discussion. So, without the DIM of all the fractions, the Raker should not be able to enter the next step.

"By directly entering into the discussion at the Panja, it means that the discussion that takes place is only in the form of deepening a few substances. Even though the material on the Job Creation Bill has caused controversy in the public," he said.

So, reflecting on this, PSHK then asked the DPR leadership to make corrections to procedural errors that caused substance defects in the Job Creation Bill by returning the draft law to the president.

In addition, Fajri also asked that the cancellation of the Working Committee be canceled and the DPR to open up space for aspirations and transparency in the discussion of the draft. Finally, he also asked the party to withdraw the names of legislators who served as Panja.

"The faction in the DPR is to withdraw the names of members who sit in the Panja and ask for a discussion at the Baleg level first," said Fajri.

The following is the composition of the members of the House of Representatives who are members of the Working Committee on the Work Creation Omnibus Law Bill by the DPR RI Baleg:

Chairman: Supratman Andi Augas

Deputy Chair: Rieke Diah Pitaloka, Willy Aditya, Ibnu Multazam, Achmad Baidowi

PDIP Faction

- Sturman Panjaitan

- Irmadi Lubis

- Ichsan Soelistio

- Arteria Dahlan

- Hendrawan Supratikno

- Diah Pitaloka

- My Esti Wijayati

- Andreas Eddy Susetyo

Golkar faction

- Firman Soebagyo

- Nurul Arifin

- John Kenedy Azis

- Supriansa

- Sarmuji

- Lamhot Sinaga

Gerindra Faction

- Heri Gunawan

- Obon Tabroni

- Hendrik Lewerissa

- Darori Wanodipuro

- Sodik Mudjahid

NasDem Faction

- Taufik Basari

- Saan Mustopa

- Fauzi H Amro

PKB Faction

- Mohammad Toha

- Ela Siti Nuryamah

- Sukamto

Democratic Faction

- Bambang Purwanto

- Hinca Pandjaitan

- Benny Escape Harman

PAN Faction

- Guspardi Gaus

- Ali Taher

- Nasril Bahar

PPP Faction


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