JAKARTA - The Karawang Regency Police have secured 32 units of various types of cars suspected of being illegal travelers carrying homecomers ahead of Lebaran 2021.

The local police chief, AKBP Rama Samtama Putra, said that as many as 32 cars that were suspected of being illegal travel cars were carrying travelers to various regions.

Among the destinations or routes of the dark travel car are a number of districts / cities in West Java, various areas in Central Java and East Java.

A total of 32 illegal travel cars were secured during an operation that was held from April 22 to May 4, 2021.

"The total number of passengers on the trip is 250 people and we immediately direct them to the terminal and some of them are picked up by their families," he said in Karawang, reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 5.

The Police Chief said that the security of the illegal travel car was carried out because of a violation of Article 308 of Law Number 22/2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

He said that illegal travel applied quite expensive rates, around Rp. 500 thousand for West Java and Rp. 900 thousand for Central Java and East Java.

He said, the presence of illegal travel was suspected of taking advantage of the situation along with the tightening of homecoming.

The drivers offer their transportation services through social media as well as direct offers.

It is stated that if the confiscation of the vehicle is suspected of having illegal travel, it will be carried out in accordance with the ticket. Because the sanctions applied are only minor penalties in the form of a ticket.

These illegal transport drivers are subject to Article 308 of Law Number 22/2009 with the threat of two months imprisonment and / or a fine of IDR 500 thousand.

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