JAKARTA - Two provinces and dozens of other regions have implemented Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) to reduce the rate of spread of COVID-19. This regulation will be evaluated in detail by President Jokowi for improvement.

The President specifically held a limited meeting to evaluate the implementation of the PSBB in several regions in Indonesia. Jokowi wants to know what is missing from this PSBB. Has it been effective or has not stopped the rate of increasing positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

"What are the shortcomings? What are the pluses and minuses? So that we can fix them," said Jokowi in his briefing at a limited meeting with the theme 'Covid-19 Task Force Team Report' via video conference, Monday, April 20. Also present were Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, Ministers of the Forward Indonesia Cabinet and Chair of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Corona Virus (COVID-19) as well as Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Doni Monardo.

The implementation of the PSBB is regulated in Government Regulation No. 21/2020 signed by President Jowi on March 31, 2020. Before the regions can implement the regulation, PSBB must first obtain permission from the Minister of Health, Terawan Agus Putranto.

Currently, there are two provinces and 16 districts and cities that have submitted and implemented the PSBB. These areas are:

1. DKI Jakarta

2. West Sumatra

District and city:

1. Bogor Regency

2. City of Bogor

3. Depok City

4. Bekasi City

5. Bekasi Regency

6. City of South Tangerang

7. Tangerang City

8. Tangerang Regency

9. Pekanbaru City

10. Makassar City

11. Tegal City

12. City of Bandung

13. Bandung Regency

14. West Bandung Regency

15. Sumedang Regency

16. Cimahi City

Many parties feel that the PSBB, especially in Jabodetabek, has not been too effective at restricting the rate of human movement. Moreover, the mode of transportation for a million people, the Commuter Line, is still being operated. Although the number of users of several other mass transportation, such as TransJakarta, LRT and MRT, has indeed dropped drastically.

However, the traffic conditions in the capital city are not very quiet. On the outskirts of urban areas, crowds of people are still common. The Jabodetabek protocol road is indeed quiet because there is supervision and monitoring from the joint team.

Will there be a change in the PSBB rules after completion? What is certain, to this day, monitoring from netray.id, there have been 6,575 positive cases in Indonesia. The cure rate reached 686 people, more than the death rate of 582.

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