JAKARTA - In the midst of the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19, the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) and the Indonesian Workers' Council (MPBI) will commemorate International Labor Day or May Day by taking action. There are three demands that will be voiced by the union.

KSPI President Said Iqbal said the action would be centered at the DPR RI Building and the Office of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia. The demands that will be voiced in the action later are, first, reject the omnibus law. Second, stop layoffs, and third, leave workers on vacation while still getting full wages and holiday allowances (THR).

As is known, International Labor Day falls on May 1. This action does not only take place in Jakarta. Said Iqbal, on the same day the action will also be held in Serang Banten, Bandung West Java, Semarang Central Java, Surabaya East Java, Jogjakarta, Banda Aceh Aceh, Batam Riau Islands, Medan North Sumatra, Bengkulu, Riau, Palembang South Sumatra, Lampung, Manado North Sulawesi, Makassar South Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Manado North Sulawesi, Banjarmasin South Kalimantan, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Maluku and Papua.

Said Iqbal said the letter of notification of the action to the National Police Headquarters and Polda Metro Jaya was delivered on Friday 17 April. But the picket officer refused to accept the letter. So that the KSPI and MPBI action notification letters in accordance with Law No. 9/98 have been sent via express delivery services to the Police Headquarters Office (Kabagintelkam) and Polda Metro Jaya (Dirintelkam) on Saturday 18 April 2020.

The KSP and MPBI hope that this action will be allowed by the Indonesian police, due to the fact that millions of workers are still working in factories.

"With the same argument, the Polda throughout Indonesia and the Police Headquarters should allow workers to take action in the commemoration of May Day, which the commemoration is accelerated on April 30 in front of the Indonesian House of Representatives, the Indonesian Economic Office and the Governor's Office throughout Indonesia," he said. written statement received by VOI, in Jakarta, Monday, April 20.

Action Will Be Canceled If the Ciptaker Bill is Stopped

Said Iqbal stated that KSPI and MPBI would stop taking to the streets on the commemoration of May Day this year on condition that if one of the demands was met by the government.

"The labor action on April 30 will be stopped if the DPR RI and the Coordinating Minister for the Economy stop discussing the omnibus law on the Work Creation Bill during the corona pandemic. But if not, then workers will continue to take action," he said.

Said Iqbal promised that workers would follow the protocol for the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 when the action took place on May 1. These protocols include maintaining distance, wearing masks, and using hand sanitizers.

"KSPI and MPBI will coordinate with the Police Headquarters and Metro Jaya to find a solution to this labor action plan. We are sure that we will find common ground," he said.

However, said Said Iqbal, if it is questioned that the actions of workers in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic will endanger the lives of workers, then the answer is simple, namely, leave now millions of workers who are still working in factories.

"The government and law enforcement agencies must be fair in looking at this problem. Do not use double standards," he said.

Middle way

Trisakti University Public Policy Expert, Trubus Rahardiansyah, said that workers' actions in the midst of this pandemic will actually create new problems, namely the potential to transmit the COVID-19 virus. So, the government should grant workers' demands to postpone the discussion of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill.

"It should be stopped first during a pandemic. Because if it continues it will create conflict. So it is better to postpone the discussion first. Forcing meetings without involving public participation is also not good," he said, when contacted by VOI.

Meanwhile, continued Trubus, for workers' demands to stop layoffs in the midst of the deep pressure of COVID-19 on the economy, it is very difficult for entrepreneurs to do so. Because, this pandemic leaves entrepreneurs with no income, it will be difficult to retain employees.

Even so, said Trubus, the central government could take public policy steps to tackle mass layoffs which made the unemployment rate even higher.

"The government must make rules or regulations that make it easier for companies to obtain loans, building taxes, exempt electricity and PAM. The supply of raw materials such as in China is provided by the government, and is borne by 50 percent," he said.

"The government not only issues incentives but also has to issue a disincentive policy. Exemption, not paid first. Because this is an emergency condition, according to Presidential Decree 12 the situation is a national disaster," he continued.

RI DPR Building. (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

According to Trubus, there is no better solution at this time apart from freeing the burdens of entrepreneurs. Because, this assistance will make the company alive and able to survive. He considered, by relieving employers, employees would be saved from layoffs.

"So that road companies and employees are not laid off. Everything must go through government policies, public policies," he explained.

However, under these conditions, said Trubus, the government can argue that it does not have the budget to do this. Moreover, the 2020 state budget deficit has also widened.

"The government can argue that there is no budget. The government can make efforts in more flexible ways, for example borrowing or whatever. This means that the government has many ways to get money. Companies must be protected and laborers too. So the government can pay 50 percent, and 50 percent. percent borne by the company, "he explained.

Trubus admitted that he was worried that mass layoffs would continue to occur during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, if the assistance provided by the government is not on target in the midst of conditions of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB).

"I am worried that if this (layoffs) continues, social unrest will emerge. If on April 30 the workers continue to go down, there will be social conflicts. So the government must find a solution so that social conflicts do not occur," he said.

However, Trubus admitted that he did not agree with the demands of the labor union, which demanded that they remain paid in full but had to be paid off. Because, in this pandemic condition, companies have been severely affected, and have caused no income.

"That's an irrational demand. On vacation but asking for full salary. How can this be? Employers are already very depressed, they have no income," he explained.

According to Trubus, the company must fulfill the THR. Because, unlike the monthly salary, this THR is only given once a year. Moreover, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said the regulations regarding the THR were clear, so there was no reason for companies not to pay them.

"I still agree with THR. Because this is paid once a year," he explained.

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