JAKARTA - The defendant in the case of alleged crowd and violation of health protocol (prokes) Rizieq Shihab conveyed several things during the trial. For example, he admits that the Prophet's birthday and his daughter's wedding party violated the rules and reasons for the disbandment of FPI.

For prokes violations, said Rizieq, because the sympathizers were ignorant. In fact, previously they had implemented the prokes well. This is known based on the report received from the event committee.

However, Rizieq's sympathizers seemed to ignore the health process at the time of reading the Prophet's birthday book. By then, the masses had started lowering the masks under their chins and close to each other.

The condition was getting worse when he entered the stage of reciting the Mahalul Qiyam. This is because at that stage the masses are obliged to stand up to read it.

"When it was standing, the committee could not control, it turned out that those from behind began to move forward. That was the case. Even before Mahalul Qiyam, everyone was orderly, everyone was distant, everyone wore masks, all according to the health protocol planned by the committee," said Rizieq. at the trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Monday, May 3.

After the Mahalul Qiyam stage was completed, it became clear that the sympathizers did not comply with the process.

"But once Mahalul Qiyam is finished, because while standing they part of them come forward. After Mahalul Qiyam they sit again. Once seated, that's where the distance can no longer be maintained," said Rizieq.

Seeing this condition, Rizieq said that he had reprimanded the committee. They were asked to control the masses in order to comply with the prokes.

Even Rizieq also had time to ask the committee to just stop the event at midnight.

"I told the committee that if it can't be arranged, we don't want to go past midnight, we'd better consider if it can't be arranged, we'll just dissolve it," he said.

Reflecting on the Watimpres crowd

In the trial, Rizieq also mentioned the reasons for agreeing to the implementation of the Prophet's Birthday event during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because Rizieq reflected in the mirror of Watimpres members who did the same thing.

The statement that came out of Rizieq's mouth began when he mentioned the information about the plan to procure the Prophet's birthday in Petamburan from the event organizers, including Haris Ubaidillah.

"The plan to be held for Maulid I got a report. But the committee has not been formed and the date has not been stated," said Rizieq.

After hearing this information, Rizieq said that he questioned whether an event could be held with some of his colleagues. Given that Indonesia is being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"At that time I asked if it was permissible to commemorate Mawlid because this is still a pandemic," he said.

From the results of looking for information, Rizieq got the answer if he was allowed to hold the Prophet's birthday. In fact, there is one state official who has already held the event

"There is information that a member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) often holds recitation in Pekalongan every Friday night," he said.

"I was sent the video. I saw that the event was running well, orderly. From there I finally believed that the maulid warning was allowed," Rizieq continued.

Even so, Rizieq emphasized that he still reminded the committee to be very careful. Because, holding an event during a pandemic has a very high risk of spreading COVID-19

In fact, the diultimatum event committee if they are unable to implement the prokes in the event, they should not have to hold one.

"But I warned you. You can make a commemoration of Maulid but don't break the process. If you can do it, if not, don't," he said.

FPI Disbanded

Not only about the alleged violation of the prokes, Rizieq also briefly told about the seconds before the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) was disbanded.

Dissolution, said Rizeq Shihab, when FPI officials were applying for an organizational extension or a Certificate of Registration (SKT).

"In the past, to get an SKT, we didn't need to ask for a recommendation from the Ministry of Religion. But this time there is a new regulation (about) religious mass organizations because FPI is categorized as a religious mass organization," said Rizieq.

"Religious organizations to obtain SKT must obtain a recommendation from the Ministry of Religion, and finally we will take care of it," Rizieq continued.

After arranging according to what was directed, said Rizieq, a letter of recommendation from the Ministry of Religion was pocketed.

In fact, in the process, only a piece of paper was asked which contained the pledge of all management to be loyal to the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila, and the 1945 Constitution.

"Then after the recommendation was sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the SKT should have been extended. Suddenly the Ministry of Home Affairs saw an article that was less than the articles of association (organization), namely the article on dispute resolution," said Rizieq.

"So if there is a dispute between FPI management, how will it be resolved. The article is not in the articles of association yet. It is in the bylaws. The Ministry of Home Affairs asks it to be included in the articles of association" Rizieq continued.

FPI management also fulfilled all the wishes of the Ministry of Home Affairs. To be precise in August 2020 all the requirements have been met and sent.

However, the Ministry of Home Affairs is considered to be stalling for the SKT arrangement. Until finally, FPI was dissolved on December 30, 2020.

"In the end, on December 30, 2020, FPI was dissolved. In fact, after we met all the conditions, we do not know why it was disbanded," he said.

For information, in the case of alleged violation of health protocols in Petamburan, Rizieq Shihab was charged with incitement to the emergence of a crowd at his daughter's wedding as well as commemorating the Prophet's birthday. This crowd is taking place in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Rizieq was charged with violating Article 160 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code and or Article 82 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 59 paragraph 3 letters c and d Law Number 16 of 2017 concerning Community Organization jo Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 KUHP in conjunction with Article 10 letter b KUHP in conjunction with Article 35 paragraph 1 KUHP.

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