TULUNGAGUNG - A village head in Tulungagung Regency, East Java, was examined intensively by the local Civil Service Police Unit. The head of Kepuh village, named Winarto, was given a fine because he gave money to his residents, which triggered the crowd.

"We have identified the perpetrators of distributing the money viral on social media. We have summoned him to ask for information," said Head of Regional Regulation Enforcement and Head of Sub-District Police for the Civil Service Police Unit of Tulungagung, Artista Nindya Putra or Genot, in Tulungagung as quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 29.

Winarto argued that the money-sharing event took place spontaneously after the gymnastics and takjil sharing event in Kepuh Village, Boyolangu District.

Incidentally, the event was attended by Mrs. Darmi, a resident who often cleans at the Kepuh Village Hall but does not have a fixed income.

Winarto at that time intended to give tips or alms money to Mrs. Darmi.

However, his spontaneous action sparked a reaction from the village children to approach him and ask for the same money.

Surrounded by children and residents, Winarto then distributed the money with a total nominal value of around Rp250 thousand which were divided and distributed randomly.

"As soon as the chronology that Winarto acknowledged on the pretext that the residents would immediately disband and no longer crowd him," said Genot, telling the chronology of the money distribution which was recorded on video and spread on social media.

"Because the person in charge of the event is the village head, the fine per person is Rp25 thousand multiplied by the number of people in the video, which is estimated to be around 20 people. Thus, the total fine we charge is Rp500 thousand," he said.

The imposition of this fine is in accordance with the Tulungagung Regent Circular Letter Number 57 of 2020 concerning the Health Protocol. Apart from the fine, Winarto also signed a statement not to repeat the process.

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