BELITUNG - The delivery process for two positive pregnant women with COVID-19, FEM (23) and JUR (29) at Marsidi Judono Belitung Regional Hospital, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, went smoothly and the baby was born safe.

Director of RSUD Marsidi Judono Belitung, dr. Hendra, Sp. An through the Head of Administration, Ika Harniati in Tanjung Pandan, said that the operation of the sectio caesaria on the two patients went well.

"The operation was carried out by the medical team of the Central Surgical Installation (IBS) RSUD Marsidi Judono Belitung by applying the applicable SOP and COVID-19 health protocols," he said.

According to him, the FEM patient (23) has a gestational age of 41 weeks and the JUR patient (29) is 39 weeks pregnant with a confirmed positive COVID-19 status.

"The two patients were confirmed positive for COVID-19 based on the results of the antigen swab test," he said.

He explained that during the delivery, all medical operations and perinatology teams that carried out resuscitation of the newborns of the two patients along with all supporting health workers in the operating room used level three Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

"After the operation, the two patients were isolated in isolation room B until the quarantine time was complete and declared cured," he said.

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