JAKARTA - Tens of thousands of workers' groups are rumored to be holding demonstrations on International Labor Day or May Day on May 1, 2021. Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Wiku Adisasmito asked them to rethink if they want to take to the streets.

Because, currently the COVID-19 pandemic is still hitting Indonesia. It is feared that the demonstration will cause a crowd and transmission of the corona virus.

"I ask anyone who wants to carry out International Labor Day activities to really consider the various consequences that occur, such as the potential for COVID-19 transmission that could occur," Wiku said in the Presidential Secretariat Youtube broadcast, Thursday, April 29.

Wiku said the COVID-19 Task Force in the regions would anticipate crowds during the May Day demonstration. Particularly, in big cities which are often the locations of the action.

In addition, efforts to anticipate crowds on the ground during the World Labor Day event will also involve police personnel.

"Of course they are the authorities and have the authority to grant permits to carry out major events, one of which is demonstrations during the pandemic," he said.

Wiku reminded, all forms of activities that violate the provisions of the micro PPKM will be prosecuted by the police in accordance with the applicable law.

The COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet, but this has not dampened the determination of trade unions to hold demonstrations on the commemoration of International Labor Day or May Day on May 1. One of them is the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI). Especially for KSPI, the number of members who will take part in the action reaches 50 thousand people.

The President of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal said that the workers who are members of the KSPI come from around 3,000 factories in 24 provinces and 200 regencies / cities. Iqbal said the action would be centered in front of the Merdeka Palace and the Constitutional Court building.

Meanwhile, at the regional level, said Iqbal, the action will be carried out in front of the offices of the governor, regent and mayor in each region. Meanwhile, the rest will take action in front of the factory where they work.

"Others, because this is still a COVID-19 pandemic, tens of thousands of workers will also take action in front of their respective factories or companies," he said in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, April 27.

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