JAKARTA - The joint apparatus will tighten supervision of jasmine-class hotels and inns to anticipate criminal cases such as drugs to online prostitution.

This tightening follows several cases that were uncovered last week, where minors opened the practice of open booking (open bo) - a term for selling themselves in cyberspace - in hotels.

"We will monitor, cooperate with the police and the TNI," said Tebet Sub-district Head, Dyan Airlangga, who was met during the closing process of the RedDoorz Plus Hotel near TIS Square in Tebet Barat, South Jakarta, Thursday, April 29.

The sub-district head admitted that it is not easy to uncover criminal cases such as prostitution because currently the perpetrators are taking advantage of the sophistication of technology. The way it works is carried out in disguise so that the officers do not smell.

For this reason, his party will collaborate with officials who have a system that can uncover these criminal cases.

"Except in the past, I'm sorry, the workers were lined up, selected, and not now, the application is okay, the transaction is okay, so it is not too flashy," he added.

Meanwhile, regarding the operation of the RedDoorz hotel in Tebet Barat, Dyan explained that it had been permanently closed by the Jakarta Satpol PP after the online prostitution case involving victims and underage perpetrators was revealed.

However, this location still allows for other business activities but not RedDoorz.

"Other business activities may be another consideration but RedDoorz is no longer able to be here because it has been permanently closed," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Jakarta Satpol PP Civil Servant Investigator Division Eko Saptono asked the South Jakarta Satpol PP to the sub-district and village head to conduct surveillance every day at the location.

He said the closure of RedDoorz Tebet Barat was the fifth hotel in DKI Jakarta to be involved in a criminal case.

As for 2021, he continued, five hotels were permanently closed, namely three hotels that were involved in drug cases and two in cases of prostitution.

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