JAKARTA - The implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) which aims to reduce the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19 has an impact on the economy of the community. Later, movements emerged, both individually and in groups, to provide assistance to people affected by this virus.

The community also created a crowd when carrying out this assistance, which had the potential for transmission of the virus. This is contrary to the implementation of the PSBB which prohibits the community from gathering.

Gajah Mada University sociologist Bayu A. Yulianto said the lack of information about how to distribute aid during the COVID-19 pandemic was one of the factors causing people to keep crowding around.

For that, according to him, it is not recommended to provide assistance independently or without involving parties who understand the standard operational procedure (SOP) for distribution of aid in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"They can make donations to official institutions, both government agencies and aid distribution agencies that are credible and with integrity and already have an aid distribution system in accordance with the standards for preventing the transmission of COViD-19," said Bayu to VOI, Wednesday, April 15.

He added, there are other ways that can be done when individuals or groups want to help without going through other institutions or parties, namely by involving apparatus such as the TNI and Polri.

What is highlighted by Bayu is the need for advice on the distribution of aid to the community from the government. This is because so far the procedures for distributing aid from the government have been minimal. Bayu said, the government should provide an example of a good way of distributing aid.

"The government should also not set an inappropriate example. For example, the President who had distributed basic necessities to online motorcycle taxi drivers in Bogor without paying attention to the potential for COVID-19 transmission. Because this can be considered true, and emulated by residents who also want to share with others, "said Bayu.

Separately, the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said the Police would act decisively by giving a warning to all parties who distributed aid without the correct SOP.

Therefore, he advised individuals and groups, before distributing aid, to coordinate with relevant officials such as the TNI and Polri. In the future, the distribution of aid will use the door to door method. So, it won't cause a crowd or other bad things.

"Of course we will give them a warning and appeal. We will also provide education about good distribution," said Yusri.

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