JAKARTA - The Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) together with the Provincial, City and Regency Transportation Offices in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) areas agreed that all regions must harmonize transportation control policies between one regional government regulation and the one other.

Head of BPTJ Polana B. Pramesti said, it is necessary to synergize transportation control policies that have been and will be made or implemented by each region in the Jabodetabek area in order to prevent the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19.

Moreover, said Polana, the status of the PSBB in the capital buffer area (Bodetabek) will soon be enforced in the next few days, following the enactment of the PSBB status that has been implemented in DKI Jakarta since Friday, April 10.

"Considering that Jabodetabek is an agglomerated area, where there is interconnected mobility between regions. So, it is necessary to harmonize transportation restriction policies between Jabodetabek areas, so that there are no problems and obstacles in the field," he said, in a written statement received by VOI in Jakarta , Tuesday, April 14th.

However, Polana explained, if the regulations that will be issued by each regional government can be adjusted to the needs of each region, given the different characteristics of the area in Jabodetabek.

"What is important in this PSBB status is that transportation, especially passenger transportation, is not stopped at all. However, there are restrictions on both operational time and the number of passengers," he said.

Operational hour

The agreement regarding operational hours, said Polana, for mass public transportation runs from 06.00 to 18.00 WIB. Meanwhile, online motorcycle taxis (ojol) are agreed not to carry passengers.

"As for ojegs, all meeting participants agreed that during the validity period of the PSBB, ojegs were not used to transport passengers throughout the Jabodetabek area," he said.

Polana said, transportation operations must still enforce health protocols to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

In addition, during the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in Jabodetabek, Polana asked the community as much as possible to comply with the appeal to stay at home. This is none other than considering the escalation of the spread of COVID-19 which continues to increase and spread.

"Currently, all of us can play a role in breaking the chain of the spread of COVID-19 by staying at home," he said.

However, if there is something that forces people to go outside. Polana appealed to the public to adhere to health protocols.

"So if forced to move or move out of the house, people can take advantage of mass public transportation. Until now in Jabodetabek, especially Jakarta, mass public transportation is still operating," he said.

"But there are restrictions on both the schedule and the number of passengers by implementing consistent health protocols," he continued.

Polana said that the limited transportation capacity would not be sufficient if people were still doing lots of movement and activities like normal days. It is hoped that the community will also limit movement out of the house.

In addition, Polana also invites people to walk and reduce the use of motorized vehicles while possible.

"Especially for the Greater Jakarta area, I want to invite the public to be wiser in transportation," he said.

Implementation of Permenhub is Returned to Regional Heads

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati said, the principle of the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation (Permenhub) No. 18 of 2020 and Regulation of the Minister of Health (Permenkes) No. 9 of 2020 is the same and supports each other, namely to prevent the spread of COVID-19 throughout Indonesia.

"The drafting of regulations has been through intensive coordination between the two parties together with the Regional Government. The spirit of Permenhub 18/2020 is consistent with efforts to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. The Minister of Transportation has the function of regulating the transportation sector in detail to complement Permenkes 9/2020, in accordance with its authority," he said.

The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transportation have also agreed that the clause regarding the regulation of motorbikes must follow the provisions in Article 11 paragraph 1c, namely that application-based motorbikes are limited to transporting goods.

Meanwhile, the clause in article 11 paragraph 1d states that in certain cases motorbikes can carry passengers provided that they must comply with health protocols.

"It is agreed that the implementation decision will be returned to the Regional Government after conducting a study on, among others, the economic needs of the community, the availability of transportation in the area, the availability of social safety nets, and others," he said.

It should be remembered that the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 18/2020 was made for national needs, where each region has different regional characteristics and transportation needs that need to be accommodated. In addition, the implementation of Permenhub 18/2020 will continue to be evaluated from time to time following the dynamics that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"All coordinate well between the Plt Menhub, Menkes and the Governor of DKI as well as other local governments. All complement each other so that transportation control can help prevent the spread of COVID-19," he explained.

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