The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confirmed that the discussion of the 'Blok Medan' in the trial of alleged bribery in the processing of mining business permits (IUP) that dragged former North Maluku Governor Abdul Gani Kasuba continues.

KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika said this process was not affected even though Abdul Gani Kasuba died on Friday, March 14.

"Internal discussions are still being held," Tessa told reporters in a written statement quoted on Tuesday, March 25.

The 'Blok Medan' refers to the mining block in North Maluku. The names of the children and son-in-law of the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Kahiyang Ayu and Bobby Nasution were linked and appeared in court.

Head of the North Maluku ESDM Service, Suryanto Andili, who revealed it at the trial when he was presented as a witness. He even admitted that he had visited Medan, North Sumatra with Abdul Gani Kasuba and Muhaimin Syarif who were former chairman of the Gerindra Party, North Maluku.

Regarding this testimony, the anti-corruption commission said it would follow up on information on 'Blok Medan' after the prosecution team made a prosecution development report. However, Tessa admitted that she had not received any information regarding this matter.

"There is no information yet," he said.

As previously reported, Abdul Gani Kasuba, who was a former Governor of North Maluku, died at Dr. Chasan Boesoerie Hospital Ternate, North Maluku on Friday, March 14. He was convicted by the Ternate Corruption Court and sentenced to 8 years in prison with a fine of Rp. 300 million on September 26, 2024.

In addition, Abdul Gani was also charged with additional penalties in the form of replacement money amounting to Rp109 billion and US$90,000. If he cannot pay for a month after the decision is declared legally binding, his property will be confiscated and auctioned off.

Abdul Gani then filed an appeal but the High Court upheld the first-degree decision. Furthermore, he filed an appeal but the verdict has not yet been submitted.

In this case, Abdul Gani is believed to have accepted bribes for infrastructure projects in North Maluku. He ordered the Head of the Goods and Services Procurement Unit to arrange the tender process for dozens of North Maluku Provincial government projects from 2021-2023 whose value was Rp. 100 million to tens of billions with a profit sharing of 10-15 percent per job.

Then, the KPK is also investigating the alleged crime of money laundering (TPPU) when Abdul Gani died. A number of assets suspected of originating from corruption were confiscated by investigators.

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