JAKARTA - Member of the PSI faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Justin Adrian urged that the Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Plant Rorotan project, North Jakarta be audited.

This is related to the pollution of unpleasant odors in the waste processing project into alternative fuels, until local residents complain.

"If it still smells too, the Rorotan RDF must be audited. Why is the (development) cost large but still like this?" Justin told reporters, Monday, March 24.

The DKI Jakarta Environment Agency (LH), according to Justin, cannot rely solely on sophisticated technology claims in RDF projects that cost trillions of rupiah.

Justin is worried that the Department of Environment will not conduct a comprehensive study on the environmental impacts caused by the RDF project.

"Indeed, this is still a trial and error, maybe. But to make sure this doesn't disturb residents, he, Pak Asep (Head of the Department of Environment), must position himself as a resident who lives there every day. Those whose children also have to breathe bad air," he said.

In recent days, a number of residents have protested the foul smell of RDF Plant Rorotan. DKI Jakarta Governor Pramono Anung also directly checked the waste processing facility that is still being tested.

It turned out, said Pramono, that the smell came from old waste that was processed in the commissioning process.

"Technically, the waste used should be garbage for the longest three days so that the garbage is fresh. There is already more than a month and so on. So this is what causes bacteria, smells, black opposing, and so on," he explained.

Pramono instructed the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency to immediately carry out treatment. One of them is the installation of substances or tools to eliminate odors or deodorizers.

In addition, the DKI Department of Environment also temporarily suspended the commissioning process to make improvements.

The DKI Department of Environment and Forestry will also empty the remaining waste of around 800 tons. This garbage has been piling up since one month ago. As a result of being buried for a long time, it finally gave rise to an increasingly stronger unpleasant odor.

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