JAKARTA - Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, TB Hasanuddin, supports the Press Council's steps in handling cases of alleged intimidation against Tempo journalists, who were sent a pig head package. He emphasized that press freedom must be protected as part of a healthy democracy, in accordance with Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press.

"I fully support the attitude of the Press Council in following up on this case. There should be no intimidation or pressure on journalists who carry out their duties," said TB Hasanuddin in his statement, Saturday, March 22.

"The freedom of the press is the main pillar in a democratic country," he continued.

Regarding the alleged terror to this media, TB Hasanuddin urged law enforcement officials to thoroughly investigate the case. As well as providing protection to journalists so that they can work without threats.

"All forms of violence against journalists must be dealt with according to the applicable law," said the TNI Major General (Ret.).

"Pers work for the public interest, reveal facts, and oversee the running of the government. Therefore, they must obtain security guarantees in carrying out their duties," added TB Hasanuddin.

The PDIP legislator from the West Java electoral district also hopes that this case will become a momentum for all parties to strengthen the protection of press freedom in Indonesia.

TB Hasanuddin also invited the public to participate in supporting independent and responsible journalistic work.

As is known, the Tempo Office received a pig head shipment on Wednesday, March 19. The pig's head was wrapped in a cardboard box covered with Styrofoam.

The box containing the pig's head is addressed to Cica. In Tempo, Cica is the nickname Francisca Christy Rosana, a political desk journalist and host of the Bocor Alus Politik podcast.

The Chief Editor of Tempo Setri Yasra suspects this effort is a terror against the work of Tempo journalism. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Press Council Nanik Rahayu also criticized the terror of the package delivery containing the pig head to the office.

The Press Council also appealed to all parties who objected to Tempo's reporting to give the right to responsibility instead of intimidation.

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