JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Development Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono said that President Prabowo Subianto asked all levels of government to ensure careful preparation to face the peak of the 2025 Eid homecoming and backflow.
"The discussion from Mr. President Prabowo Subianto is that all of us, all ranks prepare as well as possible for the Eid homecoming flow, as well as the backflow," said the man who is familiarly called AHY in a press statement at the Presidential Palace complex, Jakarta, Friday, March 21.
AHY said the peak of the Eid al-Fitr homecoming flow this year is predicted to occur on March 26, 2025, and backflow on April 6, 2025.
The government is trying to ensure that homecoming and homecoming travel is safe, smooth, and fun for the community.
Several policies have been prepared, including lowering ticket prices for economy and domestic class aircraft during the homecoming period, as well as adjusting toll road rates. This step is expected to make travel costs more affordable for the community.
AHY said the Ministry of Public Works had also prepared heavy equipment and materials to handle damaged roads.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Transportation will ensure the smooth running of multimodal transportation, namely land, sea, air, and trains. Points that often experience congestion will also focus on attention.
"So, I think overall the government is trying its best, both at the central and regional levels, to prepare for a smooth and smooth homecoming flow," he said.
AHY emphasized that the central and regional governments are trying their best to ensure that the flow of homecoming and Eid homecoming runs smoothly.
Regarding the damaged roads caused by the flood, AHY said the Minister of Public Works Dody Hanggodo had ensured that all identified roads were damaged or potholes would be repaired immediately.
"We hope that in the coming days this will really be clear so as not to interfere with travel. But anywhere and so on, the Ministry of Public Works can explain later," he added.
AHY explained that President Prabowo also reminded cabinet officials to continue to build good communication between various ministry and institutional posts so that the public can understand the policies that the government is working on, what are the challenges, and what are the benefits or opportunities that can be presented.
"Thus, the public can understand and also provide support. This is also one of the things that will be used as a good evaluation material and hopefully with that the work will remain focused, but also better communication," he explained.
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