The Palopo Police managed to uncover the rape and murder case of Feni Ere (28), a resident of Mangkajang, Palopo, whose body was found in a skeleton condition after a year of being declared missing. The perpetrator, named Ammad Yani, was arrested by a joint team from the Palopo Police and the South Sulawesi Police in Bone-Bone District, North Luwu Regency.

This arrest was announced directly by the Palopo Police Chief, AKBP Safi'i Nafsikin, in a press statement at the Palopo Police Headquarters, Friday, March 21, 2025. According to the Police Chief, the arrest of the perpetrator was carried out after a long investigation by examining 25 witnesses.

"After conducting an in-depth investigation and examining a number of witnesses, we finally managed to secure the perpetrators," said Kapolres Safi 'i Nafsikin.

During a search of the perpetrator's house located on Jalan Nanakan, Ammasangan Village, Wara District, Palopo City, the police found a number of items belonging to the victim. The evidence confiscated included a suitcase, clothes, and a bag belonging to Feni Ere. In addition, two cell phones belonging to the victim were also found at the location where the perpetrator was arrested.

"This evidence further strengthens the involvement of the perpetrators in the murder and rape of the late Feni Ere," said the Police Chief.

Confession Of The Perpetrators

During the interrogation, the perpetrator admitted that he carried out the action alone. He admitted that he had a crush on the victim after previously working as a ceiling driver at the victim's house and knew him personally.

On the night of the incident, the perpetrator was in a drunken state after consuming alcohol. He climbed the back wall of the victim's house, then entered the house secretly. After that, the perpetrator raped the victim. When the victim tried to fight back, the perpetrator hit the victim's head to the floor until he fainted.

"After the incident, the perpetrator wrapped the victim's body and took it to the West Battang area to be buried secretly," explained the Police Chief.

Victim's Car Hidden

Not only that, the perpetrator was also known to change the victim's car number plate and take the vehicle to Makassar. The car was then hidden in the Baruga complex, where the perpetrator had worked.

For his actions, Ammad Yani was charged with Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 285 of the Criminal Code concerning premeditated murder and rape. The perpetrator is threatened with the death penalty or life imprisonment.

This case has caught the public's attention because the investigation process is quite long and the disclosure of the perpetrators has been successfully carried out by the police.

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