JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) stated that six Indonesian citizens died as a result of a bus accident during a Umrah pilgrimage on the Madinah-Makkah highway, Saudi Arabia, Thursday, March 20.
According to the Director of Protection for Indonesian Citizens and BHI of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Judha Nugraha, the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah received information at 13:30 local time (17:30 WIB) that the ill-fated bus carrying an Indonesian Umrah group had an accident, precisely in Wadi Qudaid, about 150 km north of Jeddah.
"The total number of Indonesian citizens who were victims of the Umrah pilgrims who were victims in the accident was 20 people, six of whom died and the rest were injured," Judha said in a written statement in Jakarta, Friday, March 21.
"According to provisional information, the bus was involved in a collision incident that caused it to overturn and catch fire," said the Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Judha ensured that the Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah immediately sent a team to protect Indonesian citizens at the scene and coordinated with local authorities and related parties to ensure the condition of the victim.
Parties in Saudi Arabia who have been contacted by ANTARA at local hospitals, Umrah tour guides, representatives of the Ministry of Hajj, muassasah ( umrah service providers), and bus companies.
"The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is currently coordinating with the Indonesian Ministry of Religion and the Umrah agency that dispatched pilgrims to obtain complete data for Indonesian citizens and their families in Indonesia," he said.
Judha said the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had informed the victim's family in Indonesia about the bus accident. He also confirmed that his party would continue to assist in handling injured victims in Saudi Arabia.
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