JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives has officially enacted a revision of Law (RUU) Number 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army (TNI) into law at the DPR Building. The decision-making has gone through a mechanism regulated in the rules of the game according to the legislation.
All parties, especially the group against being asked to be calm in responding to the ratification of the TNI Law. They are advised not to prioritize acts of violence in responding to these political decisions.
This was stated by the Secretary General of the Patriot Indonesia Collaboration (Kopi) Urai Zulhendri through a written statement received by VOI, Thursday, March 20.
Urai said the accusation that there was a covert effort to revive the socio-political role was successfully broken by argument. Minister of Agriculture Menopolhukam and constitutional law expert Prof. Mahfud MD and former Governor of Lemhanas Andi Widjayanto are among community leaders who confirmed that there was no revival of dwi TNI functions behind the revision of the TNI Law.
"Failure arguments should not trigger emotions to take the path of violence as an outlet for anger. This does not show an intellectual character," he said.
Urai emphasized that he condemned all forms of violence on behalf of the student movement or civil society in responding to the legislative process of the TNI Bill. The true student movement must be based on intellectual integrity, rational arguments, and noble morals, not by destructive means that provoke violence.
"We strongly reject the efforts of a handful of parties who deliberately create physical conflicts with the authorities just to seek justification of the narrative of the rise of TNI's duality. The accusation that the TNI Bill returning the social-political role of the military is inaccurate. In fact, the ongoing legislative process has confirmed the limits of the TNI's space for movement in the civilian realm, in accordance with the principles of democratic reform," he said. Urai.
Urai also mentioned anarchic actions such as property destruction, roadblocks, or provocations against security forces not only damage the dignity of student movements, but also obscures the substance of struggles that should be based on data, critical analysis, and constructive dialogue. "This action only gives space for parties who want to reduce moral-intelectual movement to chaos without meaning," he said firmly.
Urai mengingatkan provokasi kekerasan bukanlahlahlahlah untuk memenangkan aspirasi. Jika cara-cara seperti ini terus dipaksakan, dikhawatirkan akan memantik reaksi negatif dari masyarakat yang ingin ketertiban, termasuk dari pihak-pihak yang selama ini mendukung proses demokrasi.
"We urge all parties to return to the course of substantive debate, prioritize checks and balances through legal mechanisms and the DPR, and avoid dangerous sensation politics. The student movement must return to being at the forefront which ensures that the legislation process is truly aspirational, transparent, and free from one-sided interests," he said.
"We need to emphasize that Violence is not a language of struggle. Only with scientific and moral determination can change the hakiki," he concluded.
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