JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR Bahtra Banong encourages private involvement in regional development to overcome unemployment. This is because transfer funds to the regions (TKD) from the central government have been cut by more than IDR 50 trillion due to efficiency, thus making the regions have to postpone a number of development programs.

According to Bahtra, the role of the private sector through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds is sufficient to help regional development. For example, Agung Sedayu Group as the developer of Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) 2 is committed to assisting the Serang City Government through its CSR.

"We appreciate the role of the private sector which plays an active role in regional development. Anyway, in the development and progress of an area, we support it," said Bahtra, Thursday, March 19.

In addition to very helpful for regions in accelerating development, Bahtra said private investment has also proven effective in creating jobs.

"The more investors build businesses in an area, the bigger the area will be to progress. The sooner the area will develop," said the Golkar legislator.

Previously, the Mayor of Serang, Budi Rustandi, stated that his party supports the PIK 2 investment plan in Kasemen District, Serang City, Banten. He asked the public not to interfere with investors who plan to invest.

"Yes, it is very good if we offer CSR to Serang City, we are looking for money. If someone wants to give CSR, as long as it's good, take it, for the advancement of Serang City," said Budi, Friday, March 14.

For information, on Wednesday, March 12, the representative of Agung Sedayu Group as the developer of the PIK 2 Township Management Division visited the Serang City Government. They conveyed a plan to provide CSR funds for the Serang City Government for the development of the tourism sector in the Kasemen District.

Budi admitted that he was very open to Agung Sedayu Group's commitment to advancing Serang City. Moreover, he said, if the goal is noble and can grow the economy and absorb labor from the local community.

"If it's good, it's beneficial, the purchase of land is in accordance with the market price, so we'll just play it like that. Why make it difficult," said Budi.

If PIK 2 wants to invest in Serang City, according to him, this is in line with its political promise, namely creating an independent city.

"It could be, anything can happen as long as it is positive and can reduce the unemployment rate in Serang City. Especially the poverty rate. As long as there is a good study for the people of Serang City, I will accept it," said Budi.

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