JAKARTA - A male teacher in Malaysia was detained by the police for grabbing his hair and hitting a female student during teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
This incident occurred at a school in the Alor Gajah area on March 14.
"The 34-year-old victim's mother filed a police report on Tuesday (March 18) after her son was referred to the Psychiatry Department at Melaka Hospital," a source told Bernama, Thursday, March 20.
The 10-year-old student who was a victim of English teacher violence was traumatized and was afraid to go to school
The victim was referred to Melaka Hospital for further treatment because his emotions were increasingly unstable. The medical officer's report concluded that there was "an allegation of physical violence by a known person," the source continued.
Melaka Police Chief Dzulkhairi Muktar confirmed that he had received the victim's mother's report. He added that the teacher had been arrested after giving a statement at the police station on Wednesday, March 19 at around 16.00.
"The request for detention will be filed today, and the case is being investigated under Article 3(1)(a) of the 2001 Child Law," he said.
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