Coordinating Minister for Law, Human Rights, Immigration and Corrections (Menko Kumham Imipas) Yusril Ihza Mahendra said the new Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) would guarantee human rights.
"I believe that our new Criminal Procedure Code will express amendments to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia regarding human rights," said Yusril when met at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Rights, Kumham Imipas, Jakarta, Thursday, March 20, which was confiscated by Antara.
He explained that one form of human rights guarantee in the new Criminal Procedure Code is the affirmation of the time limit for the status of a suspect. He said the new KUHAP draft regulates the status of a suspect for a maximum of two years.
"So if the investigator declares that the person has committed a crime, he has not received any evidence for two years, yes, that person must be released," said Yusril.
According to him, determining the status of a suspect against someone can create a higher burden. However, the old Criminal Procedure Code has not set a clear time limit for when the suspect's status will end if he is not tried in court.
That way, in addition to guaranteeing human rights, Yusril believes that the new Criminal Procedure Code also guarantees justice and legal certainty.
Coordinating Minister Yusril added that the Criminal Procedure Code only accommodates the development of the times in the field of procedural law. At the same time, the new Criminal Procedure Code also enhances the previous rules.
"I myself have also tested the articles of the Criminal Procedure Code several times to the Constitutional Court and then it was canceled by the Constitutional Court," he said.
It is known that the 13th Plenary Meeting of the DPR RI During the Second Session of the 2024 '2025 Session Year has approved the Draft Law on Amendments to Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure Law (RUU KUHAP) as the proposed bill for the initiative of the DPR RI.
The Criminal Procedure Code Bill is also included in the 2025 Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) proposed by Commission III of the DPR RI. The Criminal Procedure Code is considered important to be immediately discussed because the new Criminal Code (KUHP) will take effect from 2026.
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