SOUTH Sumatra Regional Police (Polda) uncovered a case of raiding a synthetic tobacco production site or sinte by securing two perpetrators at one of the Kelapa Gading Complex in Karya Baru Village, Alang-Alang Lebar District, Palembang City.
Deputy Director of the Narcotics Director of the South Sumatra Police, AKBP Harissandi, said that based on the perpetrator's statement, his party conducted a search of evidence to different locations.
"The first location was used for the perpetrators as a warehouse for synthetic drug raw materials," said Harissandi in Palembang, confiscated by Antara, Thursday
From the first raid that was held on February 26, evidence was obtained of three bottles of spray glass measuring 5 milliliters (ml) containing sinte liquid, two bottles of spray glass measuring 10 ml containing liquid, 1 kilogram of cigarette tobacco, two cellphones belonging to the perpetrator, and one transparent plastic clip containing 18.10 grams of sinte drugs.
Furthermore, officers headed to Jalan MBR Motik, Karya Baru Village, Alang-Alang Lebar District, Palembang City, the location of the second raid. From there, evidence was secured of one bottle of purple liquid produced by sinte as much as 800 ml, one cigarette tobacco weighing 697 grams, one bottle of ethanol liquid, three bottles of alcohol, one glass measuring one liter, one measuring glass three liters, 25 black spray bottles measuring 50 ml, 28 glass bottles, and 28 plastic spray bottles.
"Meanwhile, the second location is used as a production house for sinte drugs," he continued.
He explained, based on information from the perpetrators, they received raw materials worth Rp. 80 million from Java Island which was ordered through the social media application Instagram.
In producing synthetic drugs, mixing all raw materials into one by boiling them into liquid and putting them in bottles, then the liquid is sprayed into cigarette tobacco and packaged in plastic clips of various sizes.
They sell synthetic drugs by direct message via the Instagram application or meet directly with buyers from students to students.
"The perpetrators have produced the sinte drug for 1.5 months. From the sale of these goods, the perpetrators achieved turnover of hundreds of millions of rupiah," he explained.
In addition, Harissandi said the sinte drug was being loved among young people, because it had a strong double effect on marijuana.
"This case is the first time. Therefore, from the results of this arrest, further development will be carried out," he said.
For the actions of the two perpetrators, Article 113 paragraph (2) is more subsidiary to Article 112 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 Paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of life imprisonment or the death penalty.
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