JAKARTA - The Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) released the disclosure of two cases of drug trafficking from two different places with evidence weighing 7,508.96 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

"In February and March 2025, the West Sumatra BNNP succeeded in uncovering two major cases, precisely in Pesisir Selatan Regency and Payakumbuh City," said Head of the West Sumatra BNNP Brigadier General Riki Yanuarfi Police in Padang, Thursday, March 20, confiscated by Antara.

The first case was revealed by BNNP on February 4, 2025, which is a network of Pesisir Selatan Regency and is controlled from inside correctional institutions (prisons).

From the first disclosure, three suspects were arrested, two of whom were residents of the Padang Class II prison. Petuga also confiscated evidence in the form of methamphetamine weighing 654.39 grams with a value of more than Rp. 981 million.

The three suspects were threatened with Article 114 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 112 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics.

Then, the second case was revealed by the West Sumatra BNNP in collaboration with Customs and Payakumbuh BNNK on March 7, 2025. During the operation, joint officers arrested four suspects.

During the search, officers found a backpack containing seven large packages of methamphetamine-type narcotics wrapped in green plastic. Based on the confession of one of the suspects, he was ordered by a person with the initials M who was in Depok, West Java (West Java), with a salary of Rp. 13 million per kilogram of crystal methamphetamine.

"The evidence we confiscated were seven large packages of methamphetamine with a net weight of 6,854.57 grams," said Riki.

He said the success of the disclosure of the two major cases showed the commitment of the West Sumatra BNNP together with related agencies in eradicating illicit narcotics trafficking in the Minang area.

"We emphasize that we will not provide space for illicit narcotics trafficking in the Minang realm," he said.

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