JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives has officially ratified the Draft Law on Amendments to Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the Indonesian National Army (RUU TNI) into law. This ratification sparked a strong reaction from the demonstrators who gathered in front of the DPR RI Building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 20.

One of the demonstrators who used loudspeakers stated that the members of the Indonesian House of Representatives no longer represented the interests of the people. According to him, they only prioritize personal interests and do not listen to the aspirations of the people.

"It seems that today the DPR RI is no longer listening to us. They arrogantly ratified the TNI Bill amid the rejection of civil society," shouted the demonstrators from loudspeakers in front of the DPR RI Building.

He also emphasized that the demonstrators plan to take firm action by occupying the seats of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives and jostling the building.

"As soon as we hear that this bill has been passed, the firm step that must be taken is to occupy the seat of the DPR RI. It is clear that the DPR does not listen to us, so it is better for us to mess around," he exclaimed loudly.

A number of police officers were seen on guard at the scene to anticipate the unwanted situation.

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