JAKARTA - Attorney Rizieq Shihab scolded the Head of the Megamendung District Health Center, dr. Ramli Randan, who was a witness at the trial of the alleged crowd and violation of health protocols in Megamendug.

Rizieq's lawyer was angry when he asked Ramli to explain the contents of the Minister of Health's decree dated July 13, 2020. However, at that time Ramli did not answer that question.

"Never read the ministerial decree dated July 13, 2020. Because this is also related to COVID-19," said Rizieq's lawyer, Dr. Sulis during a trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Monday, April 26.

Not hearing Ramli's answer, even Rizieq's lawyer with a slightly high tone repeated his question.

In fact, Ramli was only asked to answer yes or no to the question that was posted.

"Forgot or have you read it but forgot the contents? It's different. Have you ever read it? You just have to answer yes or no," said the lawyer.

"I have. Have read but forgot," replied Ramli.

When he heard that answer, Rizieq's lawyer 'sprayed' Ramli. He said Ramli, who is the head of the puskesmas, should know about it. Because, he is also in charge of compiling reports regarding developments in handling COVID-19.

"How do you make a report (if) everything forgets. Even though you have to make a report to the state about the current condition of COVID-19," he said.

"Even the difference between ODP and PDP, you don't know. Forget everything," continued the lawyer.

In fact, Rizieq's lawyer highlighted Ramli's abilities. Because, the job as head of the puskesmas is very important. Especially in the current pandemic.

"Saudra, don't play games, it means that the people's fight about the fate of COVID-19 is at stake because you are the head of the health center," said the lawyer.

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