Mayor of Bekasi Tri Adhianto said that his party is still waiting for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to build flats (rusun) in his area. The plan is for Bekasi to ask for the construction of rusunawa in Bantargebang and Mustika Jaya.

In addition, the Bekasi City Government also wants Jakarta to build two additional flyovers to Bantargebang. This aims to minimize congestion on roads that are crossed by garbage transport trucks from Jakarta.

"We have submitted two flyovers, applying for two flats," Tri told reporters, Wednesday, March 19.

The request for flats and flyovers sourced from the DKI Provincial Government's partnership fund has been proposed by the Bekasi City Government for several years. However, it has not yet been realized.

The cooperation agreement for processing the Bantargebang TPST between Jakarta and Bekasi with a five-year contract will expire in October 2026.

Tri said that his party would again submit a request for the construction of the flats and flyovers to the DKI Provincial Government in discussing plans to extend cooperation for some time to come.

"Later after Eid. We will sit down together. So talking is no longer a matter of cooperation, it is associated with garbage. However, in general what DKI Jakarta can contribute in order to also prosper the surrounding areas," explained Tri.

Tri hopes that the cooperation in managing Jakrta's waste in Bantargebang in the future with the DKI Provincial Government will be expanded through programs that can improve infrastructure development in Bekasi.

"I think the Governor's quick steps in helping Bekasi City, are related to equipment. Then, human empowerment, infrastructure, and so on show a good relationship and of course we also feel the impact of the benefits," he added.

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