JAKARTA ChatGPT is again facing controversy after a man sued OpenAI because the chatbot mistakenly accused him of being a child killer. This lawsuit was filed after ChatGPT produced an answer stating that the man had killed his children and served a 21-year prison sentence in Norway.
This case began when Arve Hjalmar Holmen asked ChatGPT to provide information about him. However, the answer he received was very surprising that he had been convicted of killing his children and trying to kill his third child.
"This answer is completely wrong," said Holmen, who immediately sought legal action. ChatGPT appears to be experiencing a halusination', a term used when AI produces false information that looks convincing.
Although some of the information in the response was true, such as the city of Holmen and the number of children 'ChatGPT still mix the facts with lies. Allegedly, because at that time ChatGPT did not have direct internet access, AI could not cross-check before producing the answer.
This case shows a huge risk that could arise due to misinformation made by AI, especially when a person's personal information is disseminated inaccurately.
Lawsuits For Data Privacy Violations In The European Union
Responding to this incident, Noyb, an Austrian advocacy group, filed a lawsuit against OpenAI to Datatilsynet, Norway's data protection agency. The lawsuit accuses OpenAI of violating EU data privacy rules (GDPR).
According to Noyb's lawyer, Joakim Soederberg, GDPR clearly stated that personal data must be accurate. If not, users have the right to ask for data improvements to match the truth.
"Representing a minor warning that ChatGPT can make a clear mistake is not enough," said Souderberg, quoted by VOI from Android Headlines. "You can't spread false information and then just add a small note stating that everything may not be true."
Noyb demanded that OpenAI:men be punished with fines for mistakes made by ChatGPT. My job is to delete defamatory information from Holmen. How come It increases AI accuracy to prevent similar cases in the future.
Currently, ChatGPT is no longer displaying false information about Holmen. If users ask the same thing, the answer given only shows news about this lawsuit.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)