JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Investment and Downstreaming / Deputy Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Todotua Pasaribu revealed that his party continues to coordinate with legal officials to resolve problems of community organizations (ormas) requesting holiday allowances or THR from entrepreneurs.
According to Todotua, this is a very crucial problem.
"Itu memang adalah permasalahan yang sangat krusial dan kita terus berkoordinasi dengan aparat hukum untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut," katanya dalam konferensi pers di Jakarta, Selasa 18 Maret, disitat Antara.
For information, the ranks of the Soekarno-Hatta Airport City Resort Police (Polresta), Polda Metro Jaya, will take firm action against members of mass organizations involved in extortion and illegal levies using the THR mode against businessmen in their jurisdiction.
"We from the Police will not tolerate any form of thuggery that threatens investment and economic stability at Soetta Airport," said Soetta Airport Police Chief Kombes Pol. Ronald FC Sipayung.
He emphasized that the National Police is committed to ensuring that the business world in the Soetta Airport area is free from threats from certain groups that abuse the names of mass organizations for personal or group interests.
Therefore, he appealed to business actors and investors who know or are victims of thuggery by unscrupulous members of mass organizations to immediately report to 110 or to the Soetta Airport Police.
He added, before taking legal action his staff will always prioritize preventive and preemptive steps. These efforts are carried out through socialization, coaching, and coordination with various parties so that mass organizations are not trapped in unlawful acts.
With the attention of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Pol Karyoto regarding the efforts of the National Police in maintaining national economic stability.
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